Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday October 10, 2015

Saturday morning and Bob and Nancy slept in until almost 0800. When Ms P and I went out we confronted a big doe standing in our driveway. Ms P barked and she took off. Later I looked out the back slider and saw two deer in the back yard. It is that time of year when the deer are moving. I would be moving too if I only got laid once a year. Today was a great fall day, warm temps and sunny skies. I rode my bike to Ada with plans to eat breakfast at Donna's, the place with the great oatmeal. Fat chance the place was jammed with folks waiting. I took the Ada Drive route to Panera. Had oatmeal and toast at Panera. Read the WSJ but it was so depressing that I won't comment. Saturday was our day to tittivate. Yes tittavate is a word. I first ran into it when I was in the Navy on Midway Island. My boss LCDR Tinklepaugh was a stickler for having our areas spruced up. He use to send me notes telling me to tittivate the grounds. I was known to the troops as Tinklepaugh's Ensign. Yes you can sing it to the Mickey Mouse song. I finished washing windows. Swept the deck and spruced around the house. We are having the Namey's over after dinner so Nancy wants every thing ship-shape. I did watch a little bit of the UM/NW game. Is UM for real? At 1800 Nancy and I headed out to the Euro Bistro to meet the Namey's. The Bistro has great food. As I said after dinner we all came back to the condo. Nancy fixed an out of this world apple crisp for dessert. We talked for several hours.

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