Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday October 6, 2015

Today is swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy leaves early and I don’t leave until 0830. Biked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. The pool was crowded when I walked in. I waited a few minute and a lane opened. I am looking forward to the new Y which will open Dec 7. The Y’s pool will have nine lanes vs 5 for MVP. I swam my normal 30 minutes. Took the scenic route home, my iPhone said I pedaled 10 miles. Had a quick lunch and took Ms P on her walk. Called our GP’s office and found the flu shots were in so I drove to his office and got my shot. A lot of folks say flu shots don’t work and never get a shot. I get every shot recommended. Tonight Nancy and I attended a neighborhood dinner at Noto’s Italian Restaurant. Noto’s is less than 1/2 mile from the condo. Our neighbor Sonya joined us. The food was good and we had a chance to meet some neighbors. Finished the evening watching a netflix show. We are having some trouble with netflix. It cut out five time while watching tonight. I might have to call my computer guru.

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