Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday October 16, 2015

I slept in until 0700 this morning. Nancy left before I got up. Our temperature gage said it was 39. After the at-home stuff and breakfast I bundled up and went on a 16 mile ride. The leaves are falling fast and soon the trees will be bare. Kim came today to clean. She said they had frost this morning in northern Kent County. After a shower I walked to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I wore a UM hat so I got all kinds of comments at Panera. Tomorrow is the big UM/MSU game. At home I took Ms P on her nature walk. After lunch Ms P and I got in the Cobalt and headed to Home Depot. I was looking for a weatherproof cover to put over our outdoor glider. They did not have one. I ended up at ACE Hardware and bought a cover and bird seed. Speaking of birds I think the Robins left MI in mid September but yesterday I did see a stray one. I ended the afternoon with a short nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Shepard’s Grill about 0.3 miles. Nancy had beef soup and I had a lake perch sandwich. It was good. The place was crowded and I recognized several neighbors. Our internet kicked out today so I had to get it working. I usually just unplug the router for a minute and then plug it in. It usually works as it did tonight. We are thinking of switching from ATT to Comcast. In addition to cutting out about every four days, netflix usually conks out about every thirty minutes. I don’t think we have the bandwidth. I really don’t know what that means. I have my guru coming next week. The first frost is expected tonight. I am glad I have completed winterizing the condo. Also got my winter clothes out. It is 1942 and I am sitting in my downstairs office writing this blog. I have the electric heater working full blast.

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