Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday October 22, 2015

Thursday and it is my swim day. After the at home stuff I head to Panera. It looks like another warm sunny fall day. I read the WSJ and I like their reporting on South America. Corruption in Venezuela’s and Brazil’s oil industry appear wide spread. Today’s article on the corruption in Venezuela was very interesting. I think that the press is muzzled in Venezuela provides a great environment for bad guys. The pool was not only crowded today but cold. I got the last lane. It was such a nice day I took the long road home. Ms P and I took our nature walk today. Nancy had some errands to run so Ms P and I also ran an errand. As soon as Nancy got home I had her endorse several checks and then walked to Macatawa Bank to deposit them. I took a short nap and then worked in the office. Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop and prepared an acorn squash. I love fresh squash. Not much on TV tonight. CBS has a NFL game and ESPN has several college games. Thursday night football, good grief! Football should only be played on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. The pursuit of money is going to ruin the sport. I think it is called overexposure. It is now 2054 and I am watching netflix instead of football. In fact we are watching Midsomer Murder which takes place in rural England. I told Nancy that I want to take a tour of southern rural England. She said add it to the bucket list along with a River Boat trip down the Mississippi. Temps will get down to the high 30s tonight but no frost so far this year.

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