Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday October 24, 2015

Saturday morning and when I looked out at 0630 it looked like rain so I went back to bed. I got up at 0800 and put on my raincoat and started walking. I walked a mile before deciding I would have breakfast at Panera. I had a bowl of oatmeal and read the WSJ. Panera was crowded. I think a lot of folks were going to East Lansing for the MSU game. They stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with them. They are building a new Panera about a block away. It will open in mid January. The Panera I go to does not have a drive thru but the new one will. The manager told me that restaurants like Panera must have a drive thru in order to compete. I have been checking out restaurants with a drive thru and they all have a long line of cars. Doesn’t anyone walk anymore. I took the long road home. Spent some time cleaning my desk and then took Ms P on her walk. It really started raining hard near the finish of our walk. I changed a wet shirt. Spent some time writing yesterday’s blog and updating files. It stopped raining late in the afternoon so I took another walk. My heart app on my iPhone said I have walked 11.45 miles today. I am not so sure how accurate this app is. I downloaded all the photos Nancy took on her camera during our African trip. She has some really nice photos. I also upgraded her phone to the newest operating system. I did the same for my iPad. Nancy fixed soup and hot dogs for dinner. It was great. It is now 2015 and I have all our iPads and iPhone updated so it netflix time.

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