Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wednesday October 14,2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I left at 0630 in pitch blackness. We had a good turnout today. The young speakers talked about Advocates for Disabled Persons. They were young idealists but I still don't know what they did except apply for grants. After BC I drove to Cabelas to look around. They had all their deer hunting gear on display. I did not buy anything. At home I changed clothes and walked over to Panera for coffee. I took the long route home. I did a load of laundry and took out the garbage before taking Ms P on her walk. Today we walked a new route. I call it my nature route because we walk on the old golf cart path. I took a short nap and then swept out the garage. Tonight is book club night. I met Ed and Tom at Uccello's for pizza. The pizza and conversation were great. It is now 2111 and we are watching Glades on netflix. Bedtime will be 2200.

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