Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday October 19, 2015

Monday morning and we get up at 0630. Did the at home routine and then headed out for a bike ride. It was only in the 40s but the winds were strong. We are at peak colors. In some areas the trail was hard to find because of the leaves. When in elementary school little Bobby Scott and his buddies would ride our bikes to McPhee School, a distance about a mile. The City had a policy of picking up all leaves if they were placed in the gutter. The home owner could either wait for the City or burn the leaves. The pile of leaves in the gutter could get very deep. It was great fun to drive our bikes through the pile scattering leaves all over the place. One crabby old man would always yell at us but we kept at it. Finally I think he got so mad that he buried a cement block in the pile. Tommy Collins hit the block and went over his handle bars. We learned our lesson and never bothered him again. I rode 14 miles today. Showered and then walked to Panera. I sometimes get confused about how the Federal justice system works, especially how it relates to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. A WSJ article today talked about an investigation of Walmart bribing Mexican officials to get favorable treatment. The article stated the Feds do not have much of a case. In the same article they mentioned that the Feds had fined Siemens AG, a German firm, $800 million for bribing folks in countries other than the USA. What business do we have fining a non USA company for bribes in another country? I got home at 1145. We all got in the Taurus and headed to Holland. Nancy has a 1300 meeting with Jewel-Tec. They are going to mount a diamond Nancy bought in South Africa. We were impressed with the owner. On our way home we stopped at Rivertown Mall. Nancy went to Younkers and I stopped at Eddie Bauer. We did not buy anything. We did stop at Kohl’s and I bought a suitcase. Had a quick lunch when we got home and then took Ms P on her walk. I ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. We had a light dinner. Watched the national news and Big Bang. Just finished watching Damages on netflix.

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