Saturday, October 31, 2015

Friday October 30, 2015

The rain stopped last night so I can ride my bike today. I did the at home stuff. During my workout I watched Morning Joe. They seemed fixed on the state of Jeb Bush. Does anyone really care about an election a year away. I sure don’t. I left for Panera about 0815 and it was still dark. It is 0.3 miles to Panera from the condo. In January Panera will move west to a new location on 28th St. The new Panera will be about 0.7 miles from home. My morning routine in 2016 will be different. I will be using a new coffee shop and health club, YMCA. I really was not in a WSJ reading mood this morning. The news around the world is depressing. I also have been drinking too much coffee and my stomach is rebelling. I took my long bike route today but only backwards. I stopped at Meijer’s and bought a Mega Million lottery ticket, $1. I buy one ticket for each drawing. Today I bought a multiple draw ticket. I will not have to buy another ticket for another 14 weeks. No wind today and the temps were in the mid 40s. Kim came to clean today. The house looks great. Nancy and I ran some errands. We stopped at the Teacher’s CU so Nancy could make a deposit. Our next stop was Trader Joe’s. The place was jammed. We purchased some frozen meals and loaded up on two buck Chuck. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her daily walk. Spent some time cleaning up my desk and then took a short nap. Actually I sat in bed and watched Sons of Anarchy on netflix. For dinner Nancy and I headed to Vitale’s in Ada for pizza. Great pizza. It is now 2028 and we are watching Legends on netflix. This and that: Gas was $2.26 today. Six days ago, Oct 24, in 1929 the USA had the great Stock Market Crash. It was the start of the great depression. As a youth I heard stories on the impact the depression had on my family. Both my grandparents were heavily involved in the stock market. They lost a lot but still had a positive attitude. My Dad a graduate engineer ended up operating a dragline in a gravel pit. My Uncle Jim, Dad’s younger brother, also a graduate engineer had trouble getting work. It was not until President Roosevelt started the WPA that Dad and Uncle Jim had jobs. The WPA needed engineers. My Uncle always said he and my Dad were the only people in Alpena County that wore a tie to work.

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