Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday October 4, 2015

Weekend Update: October 4, 2015 Big weekend news, today October 4 Lucas A. Scott turned 10. Happy Birthday Lucas, Grandpa and Grandma think you are great. Saturday October 3 I slept in until 0730. It was cold and blustery all day. The temp was in the low 40s early with a wind chill of 36. Winds blew all day, with average speeds of mid 20s. I walked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast and a chance to read the WSJ and some news stories on Apple’s new app called “News”. I have been reading articles from the Guardian and Economist. I like the UK point of view. After breakfast I took the long road home. We have a dehumidifier that is not working so I stopped by Sears and asked if they can repair it. They said yes. This was good news because today Cascade Twp was having their large item disposal day. I was planning to drop it off and buy a new unit. I buy a lot of clothes from the online Orvis store. Orvis just opened a store in Breton Village so I paid it a visit. They had a great selection of men’s clothing. I will stop by next week with the coupon they sent me. I especially want to buy a pair of moleskin pants. Since I slept in this morning I did not need a nap. Took Ms P on her walk and spent some time putting away summer items and getting out fall clothes. I did watch some of the UM and MSU games. I ended the afternoon with a long walk. It started to rain halfway through my walk. I was glad I wore my raincoat. The Health app on my iPhone said I had walked a total of 10 miles today. I like this app. Nancy fixed a sliced apple/pork chop dish with a sweet potato for dinner. It was great. Nothing on TV so we watched Philomena on netflix. Both Nancy and I liked the movie. Every time we go on a trip folks tell Nancy she looks like Judi Dench. I think Nancy is better looking. Sunday October 4, 2015: Lucas A. Scott is ten so it is a fine day. Alarm goes off at 0646 and are up and ready for our 0800 swim at MVP. Nancy and I were the first in the pool. I swam my 30 minutes and Nancy did much more. High test gas today was $2.94 at Meijer’s. Like MVP Meijer’s this morning was not very crowded. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. We watch some morning news shows and I read the funnies. At noon we called Lucas to wish him a Happy Birthday. I took my Sunday nap and then took Ms P on her walk. It is now 1709 and I will take a short walk before dinner. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. We will watch 60 Minutes and then Madame Secretary before turning in.

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