Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday October 25, 2015

Sunday is swim day at the Scott household. MVP opens at 0800 and we were the first ones thru the door. I thought I was fast getting ready but I got the last lane. Swam my usual 30 minutes. My mind wanders when I am swimming. Today I was thinking about how male center my high school was. For example, Boys got two excused days for bird hunting and three days for deer hunting. Girls were not allowed hunting days. However, Boys and Girls both got five days for potato picking. The only fall sport was football. The only sport girls were allowed to participate in was gymnastics. AHS had great gymnastics teams and won the state in 1956. Most high schools in MI did not have gymnastic teams. Gas is back up to $2.38. Costco had gas at $2.06 earlier this week. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle and Nancy had hers on a English muffin. I took my Sunday nap and then took the Taurus to the car wash. Ms P and I took our walk and then I took a solo 2.5 mile walk. Nancy is fixing Trader Joe’s Tamales for dinner. We are also having black beans. The tamales and beans were great. It is now 1846 and Nancy and I are in the downstairs office. Nancy is face timing with Debbie. Debbie is helping Nancy move her African photos to albums. I am writing this blog.

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