Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday October 15, 2015

Thursday morning and I get up at 0630. Nancy left at 0700 to go swimming and take several classes, step and yoga. After breakfast I bundled up and headed to Panera. The problems in Israel seem to be getting worse. Syria's problem are also out of control. I sometimes think that an old guy like me should just quit reading the news. I will let the younger generation solve the world's problems. On my ride to MVP it started raining. I was glad I wore waterproof pants and jacket. I swam my normal 30 minutes. At home I took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch. After lunch we got in the Taurus and headed Woodland Mall. Nancy went to Barnes and Noble and I headed to the Apple Store. I am thinking of upgrading my mini ipad to a standard ipad. I did not buy anything. I did buy a belt at American Eagle. Our last stop was TJ Maxx so Nancy could buy a yoga mat. Missy sent Nancy some photos of her repaired condo. She now has wood floors and they look great. I took a nap and then took a mile walk. Nancy fixed chicken with rice for dinner. We watched the news and now we are watching Midsomers Murders on netflix. The fall colors have peaked. I do not miss raking leaves. The weather folks say we can expect frost tomorrow night.

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