Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015

It is now 1313 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog. If ever there were an Indian Summer day today is it. Bright sun with temperature of 70, perfect. Swim day for the Scott’s and Nancy left at 0700 and I left for Panera at 0820. I knew as soon as I started pedaling up the hill that I had too many layers on. Drank coffee and read until 0935 when I packed up and headed to MVP. I swam my 30 minutes. I put two layers of clothes in my backpack and headed home. On swim days my bike mileage is 10 miles. I am presently doing a load of laundry and waiting for the furnace man to stop by and make his PM check of our furnace. Later this afternoon I expect our computer guru to stop by and see what is the problem with our wifi. Nancy is at the Doctor’s getting a shot in her toe. Ouch! Lunch time so stay turned! The furnace man came while I was eating lunch. He checked out the furnace, replaced a part and said we are all set for the upcoming heating season. Our computer guru did not call so I took Ms P on our nature walk. After, I took a quick two mile walk. Finished the afternoon with a 30 minute nap. For dinner I had Shepard’s Pie from Trader Joe’s. It was good. We will watch NCIS and then a netflix show. We are finally getting some much needed rain tonight. I am looking forward to a rainy day.

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