Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wednesday October 28, 2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up with the 0545 alarm. It rained all night and was still raining when I left. Despite the health warnings bacon was served this morning and the members ate it with relish. BC has the best bacon, nice and crisp. The speaker today was the new President of Kendall School of Design. I don’t think she connected with members. After BC I headed straight home. Ms P does not go outside when it rains. Just light sprinkles when I got home so she did her bidness. I drove to Woodland Mall and walked several miles. I had coffee at Starbucks and had time to read the WSJ. Last week I was thinking of upgrading either my iPad or laptop. However, since we got the new router all my Apple machines work just fine. I did stop at the Apple store to ask how to remove the spotlight from my iPhone display. The nice young lady showed me. I like the Apple store because they are properly staffed. No waiting around. It was still sprinkling when I got home. I put on a rain suit and headed out for a 3 mile walk. (had to get my 30 in) It rained hard all during my walk. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Nancy got home early today because the Gardens was not busy because of the rain. I checked outside about 1700 and it was not raining. Ms P and I took our daily walk. Ms P needs her 30 too. We had a light dinner tonight. Watched the news and we might watch some of the GOP debate tonight. Lately I have been surprised at the number of grammar and spelling errors I make in writing this blog. I sometimes write, road when I mean rode, here when I mean hear and write when I mean right. I try to proof read before posting but a lot slips through. Like most engineers I am sensitive about my grammar, or lack of. Be Kind!

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