Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday October 17, 2015

Get up at 0700 and intended to go on bike ride but it is pitch black. Checked the weather app and found the sun does not come up until 0800. I walked to Sundance for their oatmeal breakfast. It was 34 this morning but it did not freeze. Read the WSJ but did not find any thing I want to comment on. After Sundance I walked to Meijer's to buy some athlete's foot ointment. I then walked to the new YMCA at Burton and Kraft. The Y will open Dec 7 and we plan to join. I turned the pedometer on and walked home. It took me 30 minutes to cover the 1.5 miles. Nancy was busy doing the laundry and cutting back plants in the courtyard. I spent some time calling our computer guru. I need him to fix our wifi. Also called Phil Dougherty, our electrician, to have him replace the fan in the main floor bath. I took Ms P on her walk. We had a brisk wind today so the wind chill was in the 30s. I got chilled so I turned on the electric blanket and took a short nap. I watched some of the first half of the UM/MSU game. It seemed to be going well for MI. I took a 2.5 mile walk at halftime. Nancy cooked brats for dinner. We also finished the beans and rice. I was happy with the UM game until the last play. A muffed punt and MSU wins. Bummer. It is now 2035 and we are talking to Debbie on facetime. We are also watching a movie on netflix.

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