Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015

Tuesday as you all know is swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy leaves before 0700. I do the at home stuff. Lately I have been turning on the ground floor electric space heater. It takes the chill off the office. I either watch CNBC or MSNBC while doing the calisthenics. Most of the time I watch CNBC. After breakfast I biked to Panera. It is almost a year until the 2016 elections and I am already tired of all the talk. I think Donald Trump is a loud mouth bully but I do agree on his take on Russia in Syria. He says let Russia fight the war. We have wasted trillions of dollars in the Middle East with nothing but bad results. At 0935 I pack up and bike to MVP for my swim. Today I swam 20 laps. The pool was nice and warm for a change. Nancy told me that yesterday her friend went swimming and said the pool was super cold. I think this morning’s warm temp was because of all the complaints yesterday. At home I took Ms P on our nature walk. After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to the SE YMCA. I joined the Y because on December 7 a new Y will replace the one I just joined. The new Y will be state of the art with two pools. They will also have a 5 lap to the mile running track which would be perfect for me. The new Y is 1.5 miles from the condo vs 3.5 for MVP, a nice walk. After the Y I stopped at our travel agency to see how they are doing getting our flights to CA for Christmas. We are first flying to San Jose and then flying home from LA. We should hear in a couple of days. Nancy is fixing ham for dinner tonight. I know ham is a processed food but we will still continue to eat it. We will watch the news, read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in. Yesterday I said that Gymnastics was the only sport girls could compete in at AHS. Nancy said that at her HS in Terre Haute the only sport was synchronized swimming. Nancy was the star swimmer. I sometimes forget how handy Siri is on my iPhone. I asked her how to spell synchronize.

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