Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday October 9, 2015

Friday already, the weeks are just flying by. I slept in until 0700. On my way to Panera I took a detour to mail several post cards. WSJ is having a field day reporting on the GOP's power struggles. I don't think anyone has figured out Putin's game plan in Syria. After coffee I headed out on a 14 mile ride. Great day for a ride. The colors are peaking. At home I headed out to Ace Hardware to buy bird seed and a window washing squeegee. At home took Ms P on her walk and then lunch. Spent several hours washing the main floor windows. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner with Karen and Hal Horlings at the Outback. We spent several hour enjoying dinner and talking. It is now 2210 and we are watching Midsomer Murders on netflix. I got my 30 minutes in today did you?

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