Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday August 31, 2010

2209: The last day of August and August is going out hot. It got to 92 today. I got up at 0730. I followed the normal routine. I finished at home about 0845 and then got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I only wore a tee shirt because it was 76 at 0730. The MAC was nearly empty. The Kava House was busy because the Eastown folks were having a planning meeting. As soon as the meeting broke up the participants starting planting flowers and trees in the planter strips between the sidewalk and curb. They concentrated on Lake Drive and Wealthy Streets. I think about 20 people were involved. Most of the folks own businesses in Eastown. I think the new flora will be a welcome addition to Eastown.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then got out the lawn mower. I did not mow the entire lawn but trimmed the edges so that it will not look too ragged when it goes uncut for about two weeks. I finished packing and making sure that I had all the battery chargers packed. I also made a trip to the Apple Store to get a USP to household outlet plug.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. I had the tuna melt and it was very good. We watched the President tonight. I thought he gave a very good speech. We also watched a rerun of NCIS. I have never seen any of the shows that won an Emmy the other night. We will have to make an effort this fall to view these shows. The temperature in Moscow is now 50. That is almost 40 degrees cooler than GR. We hope the hurricane will not delay our departure from Dulles on Thursday.

Remember every day you must get your 30 minutes outside. The weather is not an excuse. Keep a good thought and may God Bless.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday August 30, 2010

2045: I got up at 0630 and immediately knew I needed more sleep. I went back to bed until 0730. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year and today is more of the same. However, my ride to the MAC was very pleasant. The temperature at 0800 was 69. The temperature when I left the MAC at 1045 was 85. The temperature at 1600 was 92. I did follow my normal Monday routine including chopping the whiskers on the head and face. I read the WSJ and DFP. The flooding in Pakistan is unbelievable. The WSJ had an article about the Russians fighting the Muslim rebels in their southern provinces. The reporting on the economy is depressing.

After a quick lunch I started packing. The temperature in Moscow is in the low 50s. That is the high temperature. It is hard to pack for cool weather when it is 90 outside. About 1500 I got tired of packing so I headed to Lowes to purchase some mouse traps. Nancy saw a mouse in the garage so I will set some traps tomorrow. I also stopped at the Apple Store and bought a cover for Nancy's itouch. The cover is also a spare battery. At both stores my debit card was rejected so when I got home I checked my account and sure enough I did not have the funds for either purchase. I immediately wrote a check and walked over to the Gaslight Village 53rd Bank and made a deposit.

Tonight I had cereal for dinner. I read the GRP, took Ms P around the block and at 2030 came upstairs to finish packing and writing this blog. I also downloaded several book to my Kindle. I will have plenty of reading material for our trip. My biggest fear is that I will forget the charger for all our electronic devices. One of the problems of this modern electronic age.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday August 29, 2010

1755: The alarm goes off at 0646 and we all get up. I did my Sunday morning chores and at 0740 we got in the Taurus and headed to the MAC. 2200: This morning for the first time in over two months I went swimming. I did the gentle breast stroke. I did not experience any pain.

Since we did not need to fill our larder up for next week we did not go to Meijer's. I dropped Nancy off at home and then Ms P and I went to the Kava House to get some coffee. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Being Sunday I took my afternoon nap. After the nap I brought up my Nike bag and started packing for our trip. The temperature today reached 90 degrees so it is hard to figure out what to pack. I just checked the itouch and the temperature in Moscow is 45. That means warm clothes.

Nancy has finished packing. I got most things out but have not yet started filling the bag. In fact instead of packing I went on a three mile walk. After the walk I showered and by then it was time for dinner.

Tonight we had hot dogs, salad and corn on the cob. I finished reading the GRP and watched 60 minutes. I also loaded more Apps on Nancy's itouch. We started watching a James Bond movie until 2130 when we came upstairs.

Saturday August 28, 2010

2159: I got up at 0700 and got ready for a busy Saturday. I rode the AT to Bill's for pancake and eggs. At Bill's I read the DFP and WSJ. I overheard a lot of folks kidding the waitress about if the eggs were good. The restaurant was crowded. It was cool outside when I left for breakfast but had really warmed up after breakfast. Today was a warm, sunny day. The afternoon temperature got to 89.

I had made up my mind on my Saturday ride before breakfast. I was going to ride to Cedar Springs on the White Pine Trail. When I got home I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed for Riverside Park. I got to the park about 1000 and the parking lot was almost full. Folks are taking advantage of the nice weather. They also want to get their exercise done before it gets too hot. It was a beautiful ride. I rode 36.5 miles in 3h05'. When I got home I showered and took a 40 minute nap. After the nap I loaded some games on to Nancy's itouch (with help from Debbie). We also got all Nancy's tunes transferred to the itouch. We had dinner tonight at Forest Hills Inn. Nancy had a salad and I had a club sandwich with a beer. I read the GRP and played some games on Nancy's itouch. I headed upstairs about 2100 to get caught up on my blogs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday August 27, 2010

2138 Saturday: On Friday the 27th I woke at 0730. I am glad I no longer set an alarm clock on most days. Downstairs I noted that Nancy had opened some of her birthday presents. I immediately went upstairs and got her present. I got her an itouch. I know once I download her music and some games that she will enjoy this new toy. I know that she will really enjoy it on our upcoming trip to Russia. We have several flights of over nine hours. Playing games and listening to music will make the flight easier.

I did follow my normal routine. I rode my AT today instead of the retro. As I mentioned yesterday I put the straight handlebars back on. With the straight bars I can install a decent rear view mirror. Us old folks need this mirror because we have lost a lot of mobility in our neck. In other words we cannot turn around and see what is behind us. I did finally end up at the Kava House. I read both the WSJ and DFP.

When I got home Kim was still cleaning so I had a quick lunch and ran some errands. I stopped at the Fulton Street mower store and got my lawn mower blade sharpened. The store was bought out by Ada Bike so I also bought a super duper rear view mirror and an extra large under the bike seat bag. My next stop was the Kent County Credit Union where I got some cash for our trip. When I got home I installed the bag and mirror. I also helped Nancy get started on loading her CDs into her iMac. The beauty of the itouch is that when connected to the iMac all files are transferred between machines. It works slick.

For Nancy's birthday dinner we headed to Charlie's Crab for the early bird special. The early bird special is only good on Fridays if you get to the restaurant before 1730. The special includes soup or salad, the entree and dessert. The Namey's joined us for dinner. We were also celebrating Mary's birthday. After dinner we headed to our house for coffee. It was a very pleasant evening. Nancy got calls from all the children, her sister and sister-in-law. I think she had a great birthday.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday August 26, 2010

2131: I drag myself out of bed at 0700. It was another cool morning with the temperature in the 50s. I put on a sweat shirt for my ride to the MAC. After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. At the Kava House I received two phone calls. The first was from Jennifer Dougherty saying that she had not called me. I forgot to erase an old message on my phone. Jennifer did tell me that they were just finishing another surgery on Caleb. (I just read her blog and the surgery appears to be a success.) Right after I hung up on Jennifer I got a call from Dr Tom Schwaderer. He had hit the wrong number on his cell. We talked a little and he told me that his group was having a meeting on Saturday to determine what to do on their problem bridge. I read the DFP and was just starting the WSJ when the Kindles battery ran low. I packed up and headed for home.

When I got home I looked at the mail and saw that Dr Tom had written a thank you note telling me how he appreciated my help on his project. He enclosed a gift certificate for the Kava House. It was a nice gesture. I had a quick lunch and then got out the lawn mower. I finished the entire lawn in near record time. I think the low temperature helped. It was only 73.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We each ordered a different sandwich and shared one-half. We talked about our upcoming trip. After dinner we stopped at the ATM and the pet store to get Ms P some food. I read the GRP and then took a mile walk. I headed upstairs about 2030.

On a sad note I was reading the Alpena News and saw that a high school classmate, Lee Powley, had passed away. Lee was a good friend. I remember one weekend when we were seniors and Lee invited Tom Cassell and myself down to his grandmother's farm to go pheasant hunting. It was a great weekend.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday August 25, 2010

2111: At 0546 the alarm goes off and I get up and ready for Breakfast Club. I left at 0630 and it was still dark. They had a full house today and the speaker gave a talk on Home Health Care for us old folks. He also was a big proponent for Long Term Care insurance. I don't think anyone at my table has this insurance. One of the members said that Long Term Care insurance is mandated in the new Federal Health Insurance program. I did not know that.

After the meeting I head home and picked up Ms P. I stopped by Meijer's to get a prescription filled. I also stopped at Woodland Mall to get a new toiletries Kit. The travel store I thought might have a kit has been closed for 6 months. Nobody ever lets me know. Eddie Bauer also did not have any kits.

I took a quick nap and then changed handlebars on the AT. Yes, I also changed the handlebars on this bike on Sunday. The straight bar allow me to use a good rear view mirror. I have become very safety conscious lately and a good mirror is important. I strapped on the GPS and headed to Ada via Fulton Street. I stopped at the Ada Bike Shop to just look around. I took Ada Drive on my ride home. I put 20 miles on the bike. It was a beautiful day for a ride. I noted that some of the trees are getting some color.

I did not read either the WSJ or DFP today. This evening after my cereal I read the GRP. Not much in the paper. About 0830 I took a 1 mile walk. Ms P did not want to go with me.

Speaking of Ms P several times today the little girl down the street stopped by and wanted to play with Ms P. One time she even brought a dog biscuit. Ms P has more friends than I do.

Tuesday August 24, 2010

1724: I slept in until 0650 this morning. I then performed my normal routine and got to the MAC at 0850 which for some reason was early this morning. I kept thinking did I not do something? Anyway the MAC was empty and I head out for the Kava House about 1030. Today is free refill day so I got a smaller coffee and 2 refills. I did read the DFP and WSJ. The only article of interest was about wind energy and how a massive use of wind will not have much impact on the carbon footprint. Wind is intermittent and therefore standard energy plants, coal and gas, must fill the gap. Because fossil fuel plants are designed to go 24/7, the start and stopping to meet demand during low wind periods is very inefficient and causes more carbon emissions. Also wind is expensive and no plants would be built without Fed aid. I am convinced the only real solution are nuclear plants.

After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and took a nap. After my nap I got a phone call from Jennifer Dougherty and we went over her road plans. They were in good shape. Jennifer was in Ann Arbor waiting for Caleb to get out of surgery. She has a big team providing support. The blog, Dougherty Update, has many readers. We wish the family well.

I finished the afternoon by riding the AT around Reeds Lake twice. It takes about 1 hour to complete this ride.

2149: We had a chicken salad with corn on the cob for dinner. I read the GRP and watched a rerun of NCIS. While watching TV I played some games on my itouch. It is very additive.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday August 23, 2010

1727: Monday morning and I get up at 0630. Following the at home ritual I get on the retro and head to the MAC. Everyone must still be on vacation because the MAC was not very crowded. I ran almost 2 miles today with no shoulder pain. Tomorrow I will try two miles. Monday is my busy day at the MAC because I also shave, head and face. I did not leave until 1045.

The Kava House was also very slow. I read both the WSJ and DFP. Not much to report on. This morning I did read a report on the ENR electronic edition that the heavy rains in China are really taxing the Three Gorges Dam. It was very interesting. I wonder how the big dams in Pakistan are doing after all their rain. The devastation in Pakistan is frightening.

After lunch I came upstairs and finished reviewing the plans for Jennifer Dougherty. I got done about 1600 and then got on the retro and rode around Reeds Lake twice. Today no one was home when the Fed EX man stopped by. He left a note that I can pick up a package at their Kentwood store. The package is Nancy's birthday present. So after a quick shower Ms P and I will head for Fed Ex. Nancy is working at the Gardens tonight.

Ms P and I rode to Fed Ex and got the package. I got home in time to see the NBC news at 1830. I had blueberries with cereal for dinner. I read the GRP and watched Shepard Smith on Fox. Not much else on TV but I had the clicker so I surfed between movies. I headed upstairs about 2130. The moon last night was spectacular.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday August 22, 2010

1656: Sunday and the alarm goes off at 0646. I get right up and perform the Sunday chores. I fill up Ms P's bowls, get my laundry basket from the basement, and load Nancy's and my gym bags in the Taurus. My shoulder is still not fully recovered so I did not swim. Nancy swam her usual 1500 yards. I ran two miles and then tried the Concept 2 rowing machine for several minutes.

After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our week's groceries. We again loaded up on Michigan fruit. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I then read several sections of the GRP and fell asleep in my chair. I slept for about 30 minutes. Since it was Sunday I continued my nap upstairs. I slept for another 60 minutes. It has turned sunny and hot. The temperature is in the mid-80s. I took a 3 mile walk. I did stop on my walk to watch a big bike race that was being held in Gas Light Village. The one race I saw had about 50 riders. They looked pretty hard core.

Nancy is fixing hamburgers for dinner tonight. 2120: We also had a cucumber salad and corn on the cob. I read the paper and watched 60 minutes. I did walk Ms P around the block. On our walk I met a neighbor who had just come back from a vacation in Onaway. She met Mike Guter and his wife. Mike used to work for SCECo. Small world. We have a beautiful full moon.

Saturday August 21, 2010

1647: It started to rain early this morning and it was still raining when I got up at 0710. Because of the rain I had to take the C2 to Bill's for breakfast. I had my usual pancake and eggs. After breakfast I came home and removed the drop handlebars from my AT and put on a straight bar. I drove around the block and decided that the drop bars were best so I put the drops back on.

I have been waiting for a rainy day so I could check a set of plans Jennifer Dougherty had given me and also to clean up my desk. I spent about 5 hours checking the plans. It had been awhile but I found some of my old excel templates so I felt comfortable with the results I received. I could not get my large printer to work so I printed the plans out on 8 1/2" x 11" sheets. I had to use a magnifying glass to read some numbers.

The sun came out later in the afternoon so I decided to get my 30 by pedaling around Reeds Lake. I took the retro and it took 38 minutes. Nancy and I had dinner at the Brandywine on East Beltline. I choose this Brandywine over the Eastowne one because of beer. It was warm yesterday but we did not turn on the AC . I went on a walk around 2030 and it was dark. We had a full moon. I did watch some TV because there were some good movies on. I watched part of Cool Hand Luke, a great movie, and two westerns. One Western starred Clint Eastwood and the other had Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner. I headed to bed about 2230. Nothing like Saturday night in GR.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday August 20, 2010

1720: I got up at 0645 this morning. I guess all the pushing of the lawn mower yesterday made my shoulder sore last night and it made sleep difficult. Dr Schwaderer said that being horizontal can be painful with a damaged shoulder. He said that a lot of folks after shoulder surgery have to sleep in a chair. However, was I am vertical my shoulder feel real good. I think that every day in every way I feel better and better. Do you know from what movie that statement was made?

It was cool this morning when I rode to the MAC. I was happy to have a long sleeve shirt on. It is now 1727 and 90 degrees. The DFP had several articles on the Cruise on Woodward tomorrow. During this event folk drive their vintage cars along Woodward Ave in the Detroit suburbs. I can remember my classmates at UM who were from the Detroit area talk about cruising Woodward. They would take their car and drive up and down Woodward. Sometime they would stop at a Drive-In restaurant. It was kind of a rite of passage for teenagers and a great way to meet girls or so they said. We did not cruise in Alpena.

After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then loaded many cardboard boxes into the C2. I cleaned the garage out yesterday looking for the elusive mouse. I took the cardboard to the recycling center.

2130: My next stop was Gazelle Sports where I purchased two pair of Smart Wool socks. I also purchase another pair of 18 day underwear at Bill and Paul's. I think I now have enough socks and underwear for the 16 day river cruise.

Tonight Nancy and I dined at Forest Hills Inn. After dinner we visited Wal-Mart for more trip essentials. Not much on TV but I did watch parts of 3:10 to Yuma.

I just took Ms P out and it was hot and dark. Several weeks ago it was still light outside. The temperature is 84. We have the AC on.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday August 19, 2010

1728: I got up at 0630 today. After my morning at home routine, I strapped on the heart monitor, got on the retro and headed for the MAC. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog I wore the monitor when I rode my road bike on the KT/MP roads. My heart rate when riding the bike averages about 111 and will spike to 130 when climbing a hill. My heart rate when I ran the 1.5 miles averaged about 141. I don't really know what this means other than my heart works harder when I run.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Of course I read the WSJ and DFP. All papers must have an August let down. Maybe everyone is on vacation. I did determine that my morning bike ride to the MAC/Kava House and home covers 7 miles.

This morning Nancy saw a mouse in the garage. First thing this afternoon I looked around the garage for its nest. I could not find any evidence of a nest. However, I did sweep the garage and it looks better now.

Thursday is grass cutting day and today I finished the entire lawn. That includes all the trimming and edging. It was the first time in a month that I have completed the entire yard in one afternoon. It feels good. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to Great Lakes Shipping.

2128: It was so warm that we sat inside tonight. I had the walleye and it was good. When we got home I read the GRP and then headed upstairs to clean by desk off. I need a rainy day.

Jennifer had her baby at UM hospital on Tuesday. The boy's name is Caleb and he weighs 7# 12oz. Today he is scheduled to have a heart operation. I have been reading her blog and she does a great job keeping family and friends informed.

Will Roger Clemens and Lance Armstrong admit to drug use? The Feds will not give up. I hope they are better than the Blago crew.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday August 18, 2010

1717: Wednesday my easy day and I did sleep in until 0710. This was the coolest morning in recent memory. It was 66 when I left on the retro for "Bill's". At Bill's I had the weekday special, 2 eggs, American fries, toast and 3 link sausages for $3.95. I also read the DFP and WSJ. I think I might need a speed reading class because I was in the restaurant for 90 minutes.

As I pedaled home I pondered where I should go on a bike ride. I did not sleep much so I did not want to get too far from home because I did not want to fall asleep on my ride home. I finally decided that I would head for Kent Trails/Millennium Park. It is the closest bike trail to home. I loaded up the road bike. I have not used this bike on the KT/MP trail this year. Besides I wanted to say I rode my road bike on the bike trail roads.

I rode 16 miles in 1h16'. I averaged 12.7 miles per hour. This is my fastest average time this year. I wore my heart monitor and my heart rate while riding averaged 109. I did get it up to 130 when I had to climb the only steep hill on the ride. It was a great day for a bike ride. When I got home I changed the rear tire on my retro bike. I put the original balloon tire on. These tires only carry 40 psi but it is a smooth ride on all the bad city roads. I had a very quick lunch and then showered and took a 60 minute nap.

After the nap I loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to Costco. I picked up my prescription and bought some eye drops and trail mix. I was surprised that the eye drops are 30% cheaper than Meijer's. I also bought 100 postage stamps. They were $0.25 cheaper than the post office. Tonight is pizza night so I am leaving right now to meet Tom at Vitale's. The book club is meeting at our house.

2013: Vitale's was not very crowded this evening. Tom and I had a very pleasant evening. We agreed that with the smoking ban we can go to places like the Cottage Bar. In fact next month we will meet at the Cottage Bar for a hamburger and beer. The book club was still in session when I got home. I took Ms P out to do her bidness and then I headed upstairs. Ms P stayed downstairs. It is now 2019 and the book club has ended. I will head downstairs and help Nancy clean up. Am I a great guy or what?

2140: I read the GRP and then took a nice walk. It is a beautiful summer's evening.

Tuesday August 17, 2010

1323: Once again I got up at 0630. I took my time exercising and eating breakfast. I left home on the retro for the MAC about 0845. My time in the 1.5 mile run was 14'30". I have been thinking about my running times. I have been claiming that my speed has increased because of all my bike riding. I now think it might simply be that I have not been rowing since my injury 2 months ago. I use to row 20 minutes before running. Do you think that by eliminating rowing I am not as tired when I run?

Today was free refill day at the Kava House. I ordered a 16 oz instead of a 20 oz and saved $0.20. Neither the WSJ or DFP had any article worth talking about. I got home about 1245. After a quick lunch I checked my email and then headed to the skin doctor, Dr Mary Yurko. She put sprayed some liquid nitrogen on some sun spots. Overall she said I was in good shape. She did give me a prescription for some hand cream.

When I got home Nancy wanted a cooked chicken from Costco. So I drove to Costco to get the chicken and my prescription filled. Ms P did not want to go with me. I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. It was cool so I did not need a shower after the walk. I had chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.

Tonight the OHNA is having their board meeting at our house. Nancy made brownies and coffee for the folks. They are meeting right now. Ms P is locked in my office and she is not happy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday August 16, 2010

2146: No alarm this morning but I did get up at a decent hour 0630. I followed my week day routine except that I pedaled the retro instead of the AT to the MAC. Folks must still be on vacation because the MAC was not very crowded. I started doing curls this morning. I used 35# on the right arm and 15# on the left. I did not experience any pain. After shaving my head and showering I got dressed and headed to the lounge. I got out the kindle and the WSJ and DFP downloaded instantly. I turned off the kindle and headed to the Kava House.

The Kava House like the MAC was also empty. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I sat in the old smoking area with the windows open. It was very pleasant today with temperatures in the 70s and little humidity. The weather man said this was the first day since July 1 that the temperature did not hit 80.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then loaded Ms P in the C2 to run some errands. I stopped at the MAC to put a clean pair of shorts in my locker. Our next stop was the Meijer's on 28th Street. This Meijer's is also called the third world store. This new store is nice. The aisles are wide and well lighted. New is good. They are still tearing down the old store and as soon as that is accomplished they will be able to finish the parking lot. I also got some gas a Meijer's. Gas was $2.71.

Nancy and Karen Horlings left this morning for lunch with my sister and a fellow Albion buddy, Mary Ellen. They met in Lansing and had a great time. As soon as Nancy got home she had to head to the Gardens to work this evening.

I got on the retro and rode around Reeds Lake, twice. I covered 11 miles in 1h08'. This evening I had cereal with blueberries. Or maybe I should say I had blueberries with cereal. Michigan blueberries are the best. I watched the evening news and then watched Sheppard Smith on Fox News from 7 to 8. I also read the GRP.

We got the new Vanity Fair on Saturday and tonight I read an article on a NY accountant who stole $53M from a lot of well know NY and Hollywood folks. The guys name was Ken Starr. Not that Ken Starr. I am still amazed at how dumb smart people are. I enjoy reading about how the con men stiff famous folks. The con men always get caught.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday August 15, 2010

1757: Sunday and the alarm goes off at 0646. We get up and get ready for the MAC. I put in a new contact today. New contacts are always easy to put in and seem more clear than the 30 day old contact I put in yesterday. Today Nancy is going swimming and I will walk on the tread mill. After the MAC we head home to make some coffee to take to the brunch at the airport.

At 1000 we head out for the airport viewing area. The airport has set up picnic tables at the viewing area. Tim, Tom and Linda, Ed and Mary and of course Bob and Nancy were at the brunch. Everyone brought some food item. We had an excellent egg dish, all kinds of fruit and breads. Of course everyone had a coffee. We also had a champagne and orange juice drink to start the brunch. Ed Namey knows all about commercial airplanes. He would tell us the type, manufacturer, and number of passengers that each plane could hold. It was very interesting.

2150: We ended the brunch at 1230. It was getting too hot. Nancy and I then headed to Woodland Mall so Nancy could look at some items at Macy's. I looked for a shirt for Don Crandall at Eddie Bauer and J Crew. No luck. At 1330 we headed home. I took a short nap and then a 3 mile walk. After the walk I called Debbie and told her that a high school classmate is running for congress, Pat Miles. Debbie said the name sounded familiar but she will check her yearbook.

For dinner tonight we had turkey dogs and corn on the cob. Nancy also fixed a fruit mix for dessert. Not much on TV so I read the GRP. I just took Ms P out and noticed a beautiful crescent moon. It has cooled off considerably so we shut off the AC. I think we will return to our seasonal normal.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday August 14, 2010

2220: Saturday morning and I am up at 0600. What gives. I drink my fiber, feed Ms P and go back to bed until 0700. You can tell that Fall is coming because it was dark at 0630. I will have to fix my bike lights if I want to ride in the early morning. Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the year. I said that yesterday too. I get on my AT and pedal to Bill's for breakfast. The sun was not out so it was a pleasant ride. I had my usual pancake and eggs for breakfast and read the DFP and WSJ. Today is a big day for the UM football program. They have a hearing before the NCAA. The DFP had several articles on UM's strategy.

After breakfast I load up the AT and head for Riverside Park. Because of the heat and humidity I will ride 30 miles on the White Pine Trail. It was humid but the sun did not come out during my ride so the heat was in the low 80s. It took 2h30' to ride 30 miles. When I got home I put Nancy's new sticker on her license plate and got my retro bike out and cleaned it off and checked it out. I will use the retro when we have a light dusting of snow. If the snow is significant I will not ride any bike.

The sun did come out later in the afternoon and it was as forecast, very hot and humid. I showered and took an hour nap. At 1700 Nancy and I ran some errands. We stopped by the post office to mail a birthday card. We then stopped at D&W in Gaslight Village to get some plastic forks for tomorrow's brunch at the airport. Our last stop was at Grand Rapids Brewing . I had a sandwich and beer. Nancy had a sandwich and water. We did stop at Kohl's after dinner to get a present for my brother-in-law.

I finished the newspaper and watched a little TV. There was not much on. At 2000 I took Ms P out to do her bidness and the temperature was still in the 80s.

Friday August 13, 2010

2145: Friday the 13th. I get up at 0700. Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the summer. My reaction is: what's a few degrees among friends. Hot is good. I have noticed lately that the days are getting shorter.

This morning I performed my routine without a hitch. Today I downloaded the DFP and WSJ at the MAC and they downloaded instantly. Everyone must be on vacation because the Kava House was empty this morning. I spent about an hour reading both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP was all abuzz about the new CEO for GM. The WSJ had several articles on the natural disasters in Pakistan, Russia and China.

When I got home Kim was still cleaning the house. I ate several of the Costco pinwheel sandwiches for lunch. After lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Home Depot to buy some string for my lawn edger. I also looked over some material that Dr Schwaderer will need for his project. When I got home I changed my clothes and started cutting the grass in the front yard. It was very hot and humid but I took several water breaks. I also edged, trimmed the lawn when I was done. I got out my super duper grass blower and I blew the loose grass off the sidewalk. I took a shower and then a 30 minute nap.

At 1700 Nancy and I headed to the Brandywine on East Beltline for dinner. You can get a beer at the East Beltline Brandywine. Nancy and I both had the "Ham-D'scram. After dinner we visited the new D&W at the NE corner of Knapp and East Beltline. It is a really nice store. At home I read the GRP and watched a little TV. I also played some games on the itouch. About 2100 Lucas called and told us that he had been Kayaking with his dad. Lucas and I went kayaking on Reeds Lake last summer.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday August 12, 2010

2142: I slept in until 0730 this morning. I have to start going to bed earlier. I did the normal routine at both the house and MAC. It was a very hot humid day today with the temperature over 90. I sat in the non air conditioned room at the Kava House because the main room was very cold. I really don't like an AC running full blast. 75 is good enough for me. The DFP had several articles on the Detroit Police Chiefs, former and present, bad judgment as it relates to affairs with staff members. I think both Chiefs had affairs with the same officer. Detroit is better than any soap opera.

I did not get home until after 1300. I had a quick lunch and then made several phone calls. I talked to Dr. Schwaderer about my recommendations for his culvert project. We are now on the same page. I also called my friend Tom Mayan. Tom is a fellow civil engineer I have known for over 50 years. He lives in Merrill and we talked for about 35 minutes.

It was in the 90s when I started cutting the grass. I only did the side and back yards. Tomorrow I will do the front yard. For dinner Nancy and I ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and listened to the Thursday night singer. When we got home we read the GRP and watched a little TV. I played some games on my itouch. I must control myself when playing games. Ten minutes soon turns into 40 minutes. Isn't summer great?

Wednesday August 11, 2010

1712 Thursday. The Wednesday alarm goes off at 0546. Today is Breakfast Club so I get right up and head downtown to the Women's Civic Club. They had a great breakfast which included a whole ham that was sliced as you passed through the line.

Today's speaker was John Otterbacher. John Otterbacher was our State Senator in the 90s. He also had an office in the McKay Tower for many years. Otterbacher had a life changing experience when he had eight heart surgeries in eight months. Against his doctor's advice he decided to load his family into their sailboat and take an extended cruise. They sailed to the Caribbean and then across the Atlantic to Europe. The cruise lasted 6 years. I was so impressed with the talk that I bought his book.

After breakfast club I stopped by Rylee's Hardware to buy some garden hose washers. The cashier said I better head home because a big storm was minutes away. I got home before the thunder and lightning started. Once the fireworks started Ms P went beserk. I finally got her calmed down by taking a nap. I let her sleep with me.

Nancy got home about 1130 and we immediately headed to Costco to buy some sandwiches for tonight's concert. Ms P went with us. I then dropped Nancy off at the Gardens so she could work this afternoon.

After a quick lunch I got dressed for a 1400 GRBA meeting. The big item on today's agenda was the sale of $10,000,000 worth of bonds to pay for a 252 space parking garage. We approved the sale.

I got home a little after three and in order to get some exercise in I took a two mile walk. Nancy and I had tickets to the Garrison Keillor concert at the Gardens. Nancy was already in line when I got to the Gardens. The place was packed mostly with old folks. It was a great night for a concert (again). Garrison Keillor performed for over 2.5 hours.

Wednesday was a very busy day. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010

1425: I slept in until 0730 today. It must be the hot humid weather that is wearing me out. After my home routine I pedaled to the MAC. This is the first time since Thursday that I have been to the MAC. I did my normal routine and tried working on an elliptical machine. I don't like elliptical machines. I also tried doing some one hand pull-ups using the pull-up assist machine. I had to set the assist quite high in order to do a pull-up. I might continue using this machine. I have decided I must do some upper body exercises despite my sore shoulder.

At the Kava House today I read both the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had several articles on the pizza hut family buying the Pistons. Everyone is speculating that they will move the Pistons to downtown Detroit. The Pistons and Redwings will play in a new arena. I think it is wishful thinking.

I did not get home until 1315. I paid some bills and had a quick lunch. I am going on a bike ride and will stop at the post office to mail the bills.

2136: I rode my bike to the post office and then I proceeded to Reeds Lake and I pedaled twice around the lake. I traveled 15.1 miles in 1h25'. It was hot and humid but a good ride nonetheless.

Nancy grilled a chicken breast and pork chop for dinner tonight. We also had fresh peaches and corn-on-the-cob. It was great. We watched the news and then NCIS. I got out the itouch and played several games as I watched TV. Yes folks I was multi-tasking. Tomorrow I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting and a 1400 GRBA meeting and in the evening Nancy and I are going to the Gardens to see Garrison Keillor. I hope the weather holds.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday August 9, 2010

2126: I got up at 0630 this morning with no alarm. I performed my at home exercises, ate breakfast and then got in the C2 and headed for Branch, MI. Branch is in Lake County just west of Baldwin. Today I visited the Twin Lakes Club. This club is on a small private lake and it has about 10 members. Each member has a log cabin. The club was started by some Michigan Highway Department bigwigs in the 20s. When the depression hit in 1929 some of the original members could not afford the upkeep so several contractors bought into the club. I was a guest of Dr Tom Schwaderer whose father was a road contractor out of Cass City. Tom's father sold his company to C R Hunt. The Hunt firm has bid on several of our bridge project. A relative of Dr Tom's, George Schwaderer, use to work for my father. George Schwaderer was from Caro and ended up working for the Alaska Highway Dept.

The Schwaderer cabin is very nice. It is carpeted and winterized. I think it has three bedrooms. The reason for my visit was to inspect a culvert/bridge on their property. I looked at the culvert/bridge and made several suggestions. I think the bridge/culvert can be repaired for under $2000. Dr Tom took me to lunch in Bass Lake. I had a buffalo burger and beer. It was very good. Dr Tom brought along a friend who was a graduate of Merrill High School. He knew my friend Tom Mayan.

Dr Tom is a shoulder specialist. We have a tit for tat relationship. I tell him how to solve his bridge/culvert problems and he is advising me on how to repair my shoulder.

It is a two hour drive to Twin Lakes. I got home about 1800. Tonight was cereal night. I had some frosted flakes with peaches. After reading the GRP I took a short walk. It is very hot and humid. In fact Ms P did not want to walk around the block. I need a rainy day because my desk is full of bills that have to be paid and emails that must be answered.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday August 8, 2010

1420: Sunday and I had to set the alarm in order to get up in time to get to the MAC when it opens at 0800. The alarm goes off at 0646 and I get right up and complete my Sunday morning chores. When we get to the MAC I decided to close the sun roof in case it should rain. It was not suppose to rain today according to the local crack weathermen.

I still cannot swim so I decide to walk three miles on the treadmill at a 14' pace. I can watch TV while walking and the Today show had their National Weather person say rain was heading to GR. The local man came on and said no rain. When I completed my walk I looked out the window and it was pouring.

After my shower I met Nancy in the waiting area and she said we had to get home because we left the windows open. We head home and closed all the windows. The rain came straight down and it did not get on the window sills. Nancy said we did not have to go to Meijer's so she made breakfast and I headed to the Kava House to get us some coffee. Ms P did not want to go. I think she was still spooked by the storm.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I read several sections of the paper and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I slept about 45 minutes. I spent some time on the computer. I wrote yesterday's blog and printed out a map to Tom Schwaderer's cabin. Tomorrow I will meet the good Doctor and help him with his bridge problem.

Today is my sister's birthday. We called Helen and wished her a happy birthday. After the rain it has turned hot and humid. We will have to turn on the AC tonight. Right now I am going to load up my car for tomorrow's trip. I will then take a 3 mile walk. Yes folks another walk. I love to walk.

Today is my 775th blog. 2143: Nancy cooked me 2 burgers for dinner tonight. We also had corn on the cob. We watched the news and read the paper. I walked around the block but Ms P did not want to come with me.

We turned the AC on tonight. We set the AC temperature at 74. It has been on about 3 hours and the inside temperature is still 79. The AC must work extra hard tonight.

Saturday August 7, 2010

1358 Sunday: Saturday morning and I get up at 0715. Today I know exactly what I am going to do. The first thing is to pedal to Bill's for pancake and eggs. At Bill's I read both the DFP and WSJ. Nothing important to write about. When I got home I filled my water bottle and got a map showing bike trails in Ada and Cascade Townships. I start down Burton until I got to Cascade Road. I then followed the trails shown on the map. The trails are wide and smooth. It has been awhile since I have been in this area and I forgot how nice the homes and lawns look. This is definitely an upscale area. I take all the trails south of Ada. The entire trip took 3 hour and covered 30 miles.

When I got home I called Debbie and Missy to check how things were going. It is always great to talk to the family. I will call Steve later today. After my shower I took a quick nap.

Nancy and I met the Namey's at Mangiamo's for dinner. The restaurant used to be Gibson's. We had a great meal. After dinner we returned to 1555 Mackinaw Road for dessert and coffee. It was a great way to end a beautiful summer's day.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday August 8, 2010

2207: The alarm goes off at 0636. I get right up and get ready for my trip to Mt. Pleasant. Today my sister, Helen, and I are going to court for a final hearing on our cousin Peg's estate. The court time is 0945. I stop at the Kava House for coffee and scones. I really enjoyed the trip to Mt Pleasant. It has been awhile since I have taken a nice drive through the rural areas. I was surprised at how high the corn has gotten. It is August and the countryside is still very green.

Helen and I arrived at the same time, 0920. We walked into the Isabella County Court House and had to pass through a metal detector. My brother-in-law, Don, set off the alarm. It was his two new knees. We were ushered into the court room at exactly 0945. Our attorney was several minutes late. The entire hearing took less than 3 minutes. The estate of Margaret Woodley is finalized. I know that Peg would be happy that everything went without a hitch.

I voted for Steve Heacock in last week's election. My sister told me that she had Steve Heacock in her English class at Gaylord High School. I didn't know my sister was that old.

I took a different route home. It was 89 miles going and 108 miles coming home. I enjoyed the drive. When I was working I always enjoyed working in small communities throughout Michigan.

I did stop for gas and a gas station hot dog. I love gas station hot dogs. I got home about 1330. After a quick lunch I finished cutting the front yard. I also took a two mile walk. I took a shower and then a one hour nap. It was one of the soundest sleeps I have had in awhile. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and had their cargo special.

Tonight I took Ms P on a walk. I passed by our ex City Attorney's house and noticed that he had a Pat Miles sign in his yard. Mr Miles is a Democrat and the ex City Attorney is hard core GOP. I questioned Mr. Balkema and he said he voted for Steve Heacock but cannot support the GOP nominee who defeated Mr Heacock. I feel somewhat the same way. The GOP wants no taxes including a gas tax. I am all for efficiency in government but we have to have some public services and these require some form of tax. I have never voted against a local tax proposal. Let's be frugal but not stupid.

Thursday August 5, 2010

2138 Friday: I am a day late with Thursday's blog. On Thursday I slept in until 0730. I did my exercises and ended up at the Kava House. I am having trouble downloading the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. It takes almost 10 minutes on most days and yesterday it took 30 minutes. At the MAC or Bill's the download is almost instantaneous. I asked the employees at the Kava House and they said that people with iphones cannot get any reception. I guess I am lucky that I can download even if it is slow.

I did not get home from the Kava House until about 1300. I had a quick lunch and then started to cut the grass. I did the back and side yards and the edges of the front yard. I did the edges so that I could edge, trim and blow the entire yard. I got done about 1600 and took a quick shower.

At 1630 Nancy and I headed to the Gardens to work at the concert. Nancy checked ID's and I worked the rental chair concession. Natalie MacMasters was the featured performer . She is a fiddler and step dancer from Nova Scotia. The music was Scottish and Irish folk music. It was very entertaining and the crowd really got into her performance. One of the enjoyable things about summer in GR is the outdoor concerts at Meijer's Gardens. Next week we are seeing Garrison Keillor.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday August 4, 2010

1729: Wednesday, my easy day and I slept in until 0645. The weatherman said it is going to be another hot humid day. No rain is predicted. So now my big question is where am I going biking today? I decide to ponder this question over breakfast at Bill's. I pedaled the AT to Bill's and had the week day special. I also read the DFP and WSJ. The results of yesterday's election were the main items in the DFP. I did not have a good average yesterday because both my choice for Governor and US Representative were defeated soundly. If I had voted Democratic my choice for Governor would also have lost. The voters wanted candidates from the far right and left. No middle of the road guys for them.

When I got home I decided to ride the White Pine Trail. Part of my reason was that it was so darn hot. I wanted to ride at least 30 miles and if I was too far from home I was afraid that I would fall asleep on my ride home. I rode 31 miles and my average speed was 11.7 mph. This is a good speed for me on my fat tired single speed. I got home about 1500. Nancy had gone to Grand Haven with Mary Namey to have lunch with a fellow school teacher who lives in Grand Haven. She was not home when I got home.

The first thing I did when I got home was to call Tommy Collins. Today is Tommy's 71st birthday. Tommy now lives in San Clemente, CA. He is fully retired and enjoying life. Tommy was one of my best friends growing up in Alpena. We played a lot of hockey together and I have fond memories of playing hockey outdoors on a cold winter evening. Life was good back then. Of course it is still good. Why I remember Tommy's birthday and not Jack Gillard's or Jimmy Masters' or Tom Cassell's I do not know.

After the call to Tom I took and shower and a nice nap.

2200: This evening is cereal night. I watched the evening news and then read the GRP. From 7 to 8 I normally watch some cable news shows. But lately they have become so radical that I must find something else to do for that hour. Tonight I walked Ms P around the block and played some games on my itouch. Games on the itouch are a time sink. Missy skyped us tonight and we got to see Akerke and talk to Missy. I got to head for bed now because tomorrow is a busy day. Nancy and I are working a concert at the Gardens and I will try and cut the grass.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wednesday August 3, 2010

1600: This is my 0700 week. I got up at 0700 and then performed all my at home and MAC exercises as scheduled. I ended up at the Kava House for coffee and the papers. It is another hot and humid day. In fact I think the humidity today make it the most uncomfortable day of the year. Did you know that the evening temperatures in Long Beach and Santa Clara are much cooler than in GR and Cleveland.

2130: After lunch I hurried upstairs and paid some bills including our 2009 amended tax return. Next I got in the C2 and headed to the bank to renew a CD. I did not think interest rates could go so low. A 5 year CD paid 2%. I stopped by the post office and mailed our tax returns and then stopped at the MAC to put some new soap and dry skin lotion in my locker. My final stop was the car wash to get the C2 cleaned, inside and out. They did a great job and got rid of all the dog hair.

I finished the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. Like yesterday it was very hot and humid and I was drenched when I got done. Dinner tonight was a PB&J with watermelon. I sat down to watch the evening news and fell asleep. I slept for 30 minutes and when I woke it was time to go to the OHNA's ice cream social. We had a great turnout. I talked to some neighbors and of course had some ice cream. They had a drawing and I won a $30 gift certificate to a local restaurant. It was a good evening. We have the AC working full blast and we just noticed that our lights flickered. I hope we don't have a brown out with all the AC's working.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2, 2010

2058: Monday morning and I slept in until 0715. We had the AC on last night and I really slept well. Today was another morning with my modified exercise schedule. After the at home routine I get on the AT and head to the MAC. I perform my normal routine and again lowered my time in the 1.5 mile run by 30". I know it is all the bike riding. After shaving my head and a shower I check my voicemail and then check my email on the itouch. I had several emails but only one required any action. Next Monday I will meet Dr Schwaderer at his camp near Baldwin to inspect his troubled bridge.

At the Kava House I read only the DFP. Today's DFP was all about tomorrow primary election. The governor's race is really getting nasty. I will be glad when it is over.

When I got home I expected to see Kim cleaning the house. However, we must have some missed communications because she did not come. I had a quick lunch and then took the Taurus in for its 10,000 mile checkup. I read the WSJ while waiting for the car. I was surprised to learn that the Taurus was purchased on 17Jul09. We put 10,000 miles on the car in a year. That is not much driving. One thing I disliked about my wait was that the AC was running full blast. I mentioned to the cashier that Ford could save some money by not keeping the dealership so cold. She remarked that she was just going to turn the AC down because she thought it was too warm. We get the same reaction from waitresses in restaurants.

I got home and Nancy was getting to leave for the Gardens. I decided to take a 3 mile walk. After the walk and shower I had dinner. Tonight was cereal night. I read the GRP and watched the evening news. at 1900 Ms P and I took a walk around the block. It was very humid but it did not deter folks from taking their evening walk. I must take Ms P out one more time before I go to bed. Summer is moving too fast.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday August 1, 2010

1737: Sunday August 1 and the alarm goes off at 0646. I get right up and take Ms P out. I perform several Sunday chores before going to the MAC. I feed Ms P, bring my laundry basket upstairs and take Nancy and my gym bags out to the car. This morning Nancy is going swimming and I will walk on the treadmill for 3 miles. This morning I increased my walking pace to 4.3 mph. After the MAC we head to Meijer's to get our weekly groceries. I also filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.71 per gallon. Nancy bought a lot of in-season fruit. Don't you love fresh fruit?

Of course Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. Ms P got to lick the egg plates clean. I read a few sections of the GRP and then headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I slept about 1 hour without any shoulder pain. Maybe the shoulder is slowly healing.

This afternoon I had an appointment to see about some exercises that I could do to speed the shoulder ailment. I think that I now have some exercises that will work. My motto is to take it slow and easy because I will use the shoulder for the rest of my life and what's the hurry.

When I got home I took a 3 mile walk. It was very hot and I really worked up a sweat. In fact I worked up a barnyard sweat. My grandfather Scott always said that every day you must work up a barnyard sweat if you want to feel good.

Speaking of doctors I got several emails from Dr Schwaderer showing pictures of his troubled bridge. It looked exactly as he explained. It will take some sweat to correct his bridge problem but the cost is reasonable. This advice from our bridge expert.

Nancy right now is grilling steak for dinner. We are also having corn on the cob.

2120: Dinner was great. After dinner I finished the GRP. Most of the news coverage involved Tuesday's primary and the Kzoo River oil spill. About 1930 I took Ms P on a walk around the block. She did not object. It is still hot but we are using fans instead of turning on the AC. Is this smart or stupid?

The daily beast today listed 10 US Representatives who should be fired. I noted that Steve's rep was on the list. Speaking of US Reps we are getting a new one this year. The GOP front runner is very conservative and very young. He did not receive my vote. Us old folks can vote absentee and I voted when downtown for the July GRBA meeting.
Next week I will write my US Senators and Rep and ask that they bring back the draft. If they insist on waging war all citizens should be involved. They must also pass a war tax. Think these ideas will influence our folks in DC?

I am amazed at how many mistakes I make on my first draft. I said I would right my Senators. Of course I meant write. I always mention that I road my bike. Is this just carelessness or old age?