Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday June 9, 2010

Wednesday, my easy day, and I slept in until 0645 this morning. I drove the C2 to Bill's for their weekday special. Mine included 2 eggs, 2 sausages, hash browns and toast all for $3.50. It was great. I took my broken Kindle and tried to read the DFP and WSJ. I was missing the top three lines so I had to kind of guess. However, I got the major points in the articles. After breakfast I got in the C2 and drove to the Museum to get tickets for the July 4th fireworks. The Museum has the best seats in town.

Today's GRBA meeting was canceled so I planned a big bike trip. It stopped raining late last night and the weather report said today would be sunny and warm. I loaded up the AT and headed for Holland State Park. I purchased a season ticket for all state parks. With my senior discount it cost me $6. Now that is cheap folks. I was surprised at how busy the park was. Water temperature was 54 but there were a lot of folks walking the beach. It was cool when I started, about 62. I pedaled around the park and then headed for Lakeshore Drive. I pedaled north on Lakeshore to Pt Sheldon Road. I spent 2h45' in the saddle and rode 28 miles. It was a beautiful day for a ride and the temperature when I returned to Holland State Park was in the high 70s. Missy and I plan on riding either 25 of 50 miles on Sunday, weather permitting. After today I know I can make 25 miles.

I did not get home until almost 1700. Nancy had not returned from working at the Gardens. I took a quick shower. Nancy has book club tonight so I decided to eat at the Derby Pub in Gaslight Village. I had a hamburger and a beer. It was good. Maybe I can convince Nancy to try this place.

Talk about quick service! I dropped my Kindle yesterday and UPS delivered me a new one this afternoon. The new Kindle has all the books I have purchased. I am very impressed with Amazon.

Nancy got home at 2030. I was thinking of ordering the USA books by John Dos Passos. I got on Nancy's iMax and immediately Debbie Skyped us. We had a nice talk with Debbie. It was 1830 in Cupertino and Debbie was still working. It is now 2147 in GR and I am heading to bed.

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