Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday June 17. 2010

2124: I get up at 0630. It is going to be a beautiful day in GR. Tomorrow is suppose to be very hot and humid. I make a decision to cut the grass today. The yard has to be nice and tidy for our Father's Day Breakfast Brunch. I ride the AT to the MAC and perform all my normal exercises.

It was such a nice day I ran outside. We have had a lot of rain lately so mud puddles have formed at low spots in the sidewalk. As I was running I tried to avoid the wet spots. I even ran in the street for a short distance. About 1 mile into the run I slipped on a west spot and fell flat on my face. My nose landed first. I was bleeding profusely but I continued my run. The girls at the MAC got out their first aid kit and cleaned me up. A doctor was just entering and they asked him to look at my nose. He said I needed stitches. I got on my bike and headed home. I took a shower and called our GP, Dr Kutsche. He had an opening in about 30 minutes so I headed to his office. He gave me four stitches. I also had a bad scrape on my left forearm. He removed the dead skin and applied a patch. I am not in any pain but my left shoulder is very sore. In fact I have trouble raising it above my head.

After the Doctor's I stopped at Meijer's to get some medical supplies. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then started mowing the grass. I got all the yard done except for the backyard. I will complete the backyard tomorrow. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had a much needed cold beer and a French Dip sandwich.

I dropped Nancy off on Alexander so she could collect OHNA dues. I headed to the gas station to fill up the Taurus. Gas was $2.79. When I got home I got out the ice patches and placed them on my shoulder and nose. We watched the Mentalist and at 2100 headed upstairs. It has been a busy day. Nancy took a picture of my nose. If you think the shingles made me ugly today's fall makes me look super ugly. Photos will be posted tomorrow.

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