Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday June 21, 2010

2111: Happy Solstice: Today is the longest day of the year. Sunset tonight in GR is at 2125. I am always a little depressed when the longest day arrives because that means the days will start getting shorter and winter cannot be far off. I say this as the current temperature is 80 degrees. Today was a beautiful. I got up at 0600 to take Ms P out to do her bidness. I then went back to bed and slept until 0700. I tried to do some exercises but could only do some sit ups and leg raises. My shoulder does feel a little better today but I cannot do any pushups.

After my brief attempt at exercising I got on the AT and headed to the Kava House. I read, as usual, the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to 53rd Bank to renew an IRA CD. Then it was on to the Lawn Mower repair shop to get the mower blade sharpened. Our final stop was the to Public Museum to get some tickets for the 4th Fireworks.

After a quick lunch I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails Bike Path near John Ball Park. I parked in the new parking lot and headed south and west towards Millennium Park. This trail has been recently resurfaced and is a nice ride. Millennium Park has about 10 miles of new paved trails. I really like the Park Trails because they are scenic. You bike through heavily wooded areas and large wetlands. Today I saw 2 woodchucks, a rabbit and a mother Mink carry her baby in her mouth. This is the first time I have seen a Mink this close to an Urban area. I rode 20 miles.

When I got home I had to shower and replace my elbow bandage and grease up my nose and elbow. Tomorrow I get the stitches out. Nancy is still working at the Gardens on Monday evening so I had a bowl of cereal with strawberries. I watched the news and some financial shows on Fox Business and CNBC. At 2000 I watched World Cup highlights. Tonight we might have to turn on the AC. We are suppose to get some heavy showers any minute now. We are hoping the rain will cool things off.

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