Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday June 5, 2010

Saturday morning and I get up at 0646. I get on my AT and pedal to Bill's for pancake and eggs. When I get home I load Ms P in the C2 and we head for Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to pick up my road bike. I tried out the new grips on the handle bars and they work great. They should cut down on arm fatigue on the upcoming ride in OH.

Nancy got home from the MAC about the same time as Ms P and I did. We have to get smaller photos for our visas for Russia. We go to Walgreens to get the photos. After much discussion we finally get them to take our pictures. We will have to trim the photos to meet the Russian requirements.

I load the kayak on the C2 and head for Riverside Park. This is the first time this year I have put in at Riverside. I paddle down to the Sixth Street Bridge. I spent 2 hours on the water and it was great. After my shower Nancy and I completed our visa applications. They asked a lot of questions. I almost think the Russians are paying us back for some slight. However, we did complete the forms and will mail them Monday.

For dinner Nancy and I ate at Olga's Kitchen in Gaslight Village. The service was quite poor. We watched the Bourne Identity on TV. It was a nice yarn.

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