Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday June 11, 2010

I must be locked in a 0650 time warp. Every morning it seems this is the time I wake. The weatherman says rain today so I take the C2 to the MAC. I ran outside and it only sprinkled. As I was leaving the MAC the skies let loose and it came down in buckets. I took the C2 to the Chevy place to get the oil changed. Notice I said Chevy and not Chevrolet. No sooner had I sat down to read the DFP than the job was done. It was still early so I headed to the Kava House and read the papers.

Kim came today so I had a very quick lunch and then left so I would not be in her way. Don't want to slow down the cleaning lady. I stopped at Best Buy to get a gift certificate for Robert Calloway, the kid next door. He just graduated from GRCC. Nancy is going to attend his party tomorrow. I will be in Cleveland. Speaking of Cleveland I stopped by the Kentwood Cycle to buy a handle bar bag to carry some tire changing gear.

I packed for tomorrow's trip. I am only taking a backpack. I also put the handle bar bag on my road bike. Missy called this afternoon and wanted to know when I would arrive. I said between 1300 and 1400.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I went to Brann's on Kraft Ave. We both had a salad. We both enjoyed our salad. It has been awhile since we had been to Brann's. Nancy did not like the smoke. The new non smoking law makes dining more pleasurable. I finished the GRP, watched part of House and then headed upstairs to complete this blog. It is very hot and humid outside. Our gage shows 85 degrees at 2100. We might have to turn on the AC.

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