Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday June 22, 2010

1138: Boy did we have a tough night. After finishing last night's blog I headed to bed. We debated whether to turn on the AC but decided against it. It was about 80 when I went to bed. Around 0100 a major thunder storm passed through our area. Ms P went bonkers. Nancy finally got up and took Ms P downstairs. Several minutes later the storm warning sirens went off. We all headed down to the basement. Since our power was still on I turned on the TV. All three local stations had their weather staffs reporting on the storm. They all had radar and all the other electronic toys. We arrived in the basement about 0105 and the tornado warning was in effect until 0145. We just watched TV. Wind gusts of 75 mph or more were reported over by the lake. Power was out in many areas. Nancy stuck her head outside about 0130 and said it was raining hard. At 0145 the tornado warning went off and we headed to bed. Ms P finally settled down about 0200.

I woke up at 0600 and took Ms P outside to do her bidness. Today is garbage day and the storm had tipped over our cart and pushed our neighbor's recycle bin across the street. I got Nancy her coffee and then went back to bed. I got up for good at 0700. I did my leg raises and sit ups but still cannot do a pushup or row. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House.

Several news items today I found interesting. The first was the article in Rolling Stone about General McChrystal's comments about the civilian leadership. If the remarks are true General McChrystal should be fired. This is a no brainer. Civilians run the military and the Generals must obey.

The WSJ continues to hammer the President for not allowing foreign skimmers and other cleanup vessels from operating in US waters. Several countries have offered these ships. The President does not want to buck the maritime unions. President Bush suspended the law during Katrina.

The President appointed a commission to study the causes of the spill and make recommendations. The commission is made up of folks who have always been against off shore drilling. There are no petroleum engineers on the panel. I have concluded that the President is too far left for me.

I am now going to eat a quick lunch and then head to the doctors to get my stitches out. 2117: The stitches came out without a hitch. On my way home I stopped at Meijer and purchased some shaving and dental supplies. I needed some exercise so I walked around Reeds Lake. I wore my GPS and it told me that I walked 6.25 miles in 2hr05'. My walking pace was 19'11" per mile. I would like to be able to get my pace down to 18' per mile. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a grilled chicken breast on a field of green. We also had corn on the cob and French bread. It was a great. Tonight we also cleaned out the reefer of all the fruit left over from the brunch. The reefer is now almost empty. We watched the evening news and then at 1900 I switched to "Chris Matthews". I immediately fell asleep. I slept for 60 minutes. At 2000 we watched a NCIS rerun. It is now 80 degrees outside and we have the AC on. Another line of thunder showers is scheduled for day break tomorrow. More fun time with Ms P.

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