Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday June 1, 2010

Tuesday the first of June. June is my favorite month of the year. I got up at 0700 and performed my at home exercises at 50%. I pedal to the MAC and again perform my normal Tuesday routine at 50%. After the MAC I pedal to the Kava House for my morning coffee and a chance to read the DFP and WSJ on my Kindle. Except for reporting on the spill in the Gulf and the Israeli raid the newspapers were pretty boring.

When I got home I have a quick lunch. This afternoon Nancy, Ms P and I have a bunch of errands to run. Our first stop was Macy's where Nancy needed to look at some sale items. Our next stop was Pet Smart to get Ms P some dog food. She went inside with us. Our third stop was Home Depot where we looked at cushions. The fourth stop was Costco and finally the last stop was Target. It was very hot so we left the sun roof open and poured some water for Ms P when we left her in the car.

I got out my road bike for the first time this year. I pedaled over to the Ada Bike Store on Fulton to see about getting an attachment for the bike. Their service was not stellar so I decided to take my business elsewhere. I finished the afternoon with a 10 mile bike ride.

Nancy grilled some hamburgers for dinner. We also had corn on the cob. At 1900 I went upstairs and started catching up on my blogs. I finished three. I hope to be caught up this evening, Wednesday June 2.

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