Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday June 3, 2010

I did not get up until 0715 this morning. I am still gradually getting back to my full blown exercise routine. This morning I performed at 67%. After the MAC I spent some time at the Kava House. The folks in Detroit are really steamed at the bad call at last night's baseball game. The pitcher was denied a perfect game by an incorrect call by the umpire. Everyone is still playing the blame game regarding the BP oil spill. I think the spill was an unfortunate accident. Resource extraction is a high risk business and nothing is fail safe. I don't like the President's policies but he should not be blamed for this accident. Everyone appears to be doing his best to solve the problem. In my career I have had projects that turn sour and it appears that everything we do make the problem worse. The only way to get through these difficult projects is to put your head down and bull your way through.

After lunch I put the kayak rack on the car and headed for Reeds Lake. I still have not mastered loading and unloading the kayak. It is not that heavy but its length makes it very awkward. I have scratched the paint in several locations. It was a perfect day for a paddle. Because of the early spring the baby geese, goslings, are quite well developed. How come baby geese are not geeslings? Being a weekday there were no jet skis on the lake. I have seen a billion bluebird houses along lakes and streams in MI but until today have never seen a bluebird living in a house. I remembered, after the bluebird flew away, that I have a camera in my phone. I could have gotten a great picture. Maybe next time.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside on the deck. It was very pleasant. It is now 2102 and I am heading to bed. I am still not over my cold and I have to cut the grass tomorrow. I swear the grass grows an inch a day. I check the weather in Cupertino, Cleveland, Long Beach and GR every day on my itouch. Lately it has always been warmer in Cleveland and GR than CA.

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