Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday June 2, 2010

We had thunder showers roll through last night (Wednesday). Ms P went bonkers. We don't know how to settle her down. This morning Nancy asked some folks at the MAC and they said this problem is common. They recommended doggy Prozac (sp?). Nancy's response was why didn't she just take one it was probably cheaper.

I had Breakfast Club this morning so I got up at 0646. I took Ms P out but it was still thundering so she did not want to do her bidness. I got dressed and headed downtown. This morning's program was presented by a member who is a PGA certified pro. He called his talk, spring training for summer golf. I left early because I had a 0900 Doctor's appointment. Today is my annual physical. All my blood work came back normal. My cholesterol for the first time in several years was at 200. The Doctor said this was ok and I did not need to take any pills. My HDL was 49 and this was the number he said was good.

Despite my big breakfast I had a normal weekday lunch, peanut butter on bread, hardboiled egg, cheese and an apple. After lunch I completed several blogs. The sun came out so I decided to go on a bike ride. I put on sun lotion and got out the AT. I parked at the Kava House so I could mail a package for the Scott Team. As I was heading back to the Kava House the rain started again. And did it rain. So I bought a chocolate chip cookie and waited out the storm. The rain stopped in 30 minutes and I resumed my bike ride. I rode around Reeds Lake two times. It took me about 75 minutes.

Tonight was cereal night and both Nancy and I had a bowl. I watched the evening news, read the paper and started watching a Harrison Ford movie on Encore. After about 45 minutes Nancy and I shut off the TV and headed to bed. Missy called tonight and she helped Nancy write any invitation for a Father's Day Brunch at our house. Computer literacy is great.

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