Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday June 10, 2010

Today was another 0700 morning. After the morning routine I got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I was a beautiful and once again I ran outside. At the Kava House I got out my new Kindle and ordered the DFP and WSJ. Amazon was having network problems so I had to read my book.

Since I did not read the papers this morning I got home from the Kava House an hour earlier than normal. I checked the weather report and found that it is suppose to rain tomorrow. I had planned on cutting the grass on Friday so I decided to do it today. Before the grass cutting I got in the C2 and took my damaged Kindle to the UPS store in Gaslight Village for shipment back to Amazon.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cutting and trimming the grass. I was done by 1700. After a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We ate outside on their deck. Tonight they had a singer. It was very pleasant. This evening we read the paper and watched a rerun of CSI, LV. We head for bed at 2100.

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