Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18, 2010

2150: Friday morning the first morning after the "nose dive". Both my eyes are black and blue. Nancy took another photo. The morning started with a fast moving thunder storm that drove Ms P wild. I cannot lift my left arm over my shoulder so I did not exercise today. I got on my AT and pedaled to the Kava House. I read both the DFP and WSJ. It must be warm weather blahs because the newspapers seem to have lost interest in reporting interesting news.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then finished cutting, trimming and edging the grass. It took about an hour. The sky turned blue after the morning's thunder shower but it became very hot and humid. About 1530 I decided I needed some exercise so I took a 5 mile walk.

After a shower and change of bandages Nancy and I headed out to dinner. We first stopped at Russo's and bought some $3 wine. We had dinner at "Grand Rapids Brewing" and Nancy and I both had the cherry chicken salad. It was very good. On our way home we stopped at Meijer so Nancy could purchase some fruit for our Sunday party. I read the GRP and then at 2100 we watched a show on Fox called "Good Guys". Tom Hank's son is a star on this show. I don't think it will make it.

I can't get the photos to upload. I will try later.

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