Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday June 16, 2010

1954: Today is Breakfast Club Day. I get up at 0545, take Ms P outside to do her bidness and fetch some coffee for Nancy. This is the earliest I have been up since the last Breakfast Club. This morning we had a great breakfast. We had scrambled eggs, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, sticky buns and yogurt with fruit. Not a calorie in the meal. Even the speaker was good.

After the meeting I headed downtown to get a battery for a Nike watch Missy had given Nancy. The watch store was closed so I headed back home to load up the kayak. We had a heavy rain last night so I wanted to stay away from local rivers. I decided to go to Yankee Springs State Park on Gun Lake. It was quite windy so I tried to paddle in sheltered areas. I wore my GPS and today I averaged about 25 minutes per mile. I paddled for two hours.

I think we have had an unusual number of windy days the past two years. Whenever I talk to boaters I ask them if they think I am correct about the wind. Almost everyone I talk to agrees. Today I talked to the owner of a boat repair operation. He spends almost every day on the water testing boat engines. He also agrees about the wind.

When I got home I unloaded the kayak and had a quick lunch. I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we ran some errands. Our first stop was the watch store. I bought a battery and the watch is running fine. We also stopped at D&W so I could buy some stain remover. We used up our last bottle yesterday cleaning up my wine spill.

After dropping off our purchases and Ms P I took a walk. I wore the GPS and walked 2.15 miles. My average speed was 19 minutes per mile. So I kayak 25 minutes per mile, walk 19 minutes per mile, run 10 minutes per mile and pedal 6 minutes per mile. I thought I would provide the readers with some numbers overload.

Tonight was cereal night. I watched the news and started reading the GRP when I fell asleep. At 1930 I took a glass of wine and headed upstairs to clear my desk and do today's blog. Since I have twice spilled wine in the backroom I think I better drink it in my office. I got another high school classmate on my facebook page. I hear a lot of folks talking about facebook and how most of their friends are from high school. In my case that is true.

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