Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday June 20,2010

2025: Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. All my children called today to wish me Happy Father's Day. It is always great to be recognized.

I got up at 0600 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. I then went back to bed and slept until 0700. This morning is a busy morning because Nancy and Bob must get ready for the brunch. Nancy was busy fixing the food and I ran the vacuum and moved some clutter down the basement. At 0815 I had to have a coffee so I headed to the Kava House and purchased a 20 oz. I brought the coffee home so I could help getting ready. When I got home about 0850 Nancy was sitting outside reading the GRP and telling me that she was ready. I did have to make the coffee. We made both regular and decaf.

Nancy made a fancy egg dish. She also made some quiche. In addition to the egg dishes she had assorted fruits, coffee cakes and bread. She also had nuts and chocolates to snack on. We started the brunch with a champagne/orange juice drink. The brunch was to start at 1030 and by 1035 all eight guests had arrived. It was a beautiful summer morning and everyone was in a festive mood. Even Ms P was in a good mood and not a pest. It was Father's Day so everyone told a brief story about their dad. It was very interesting. The guests stayed until about 1300. I was surprised that we got everything cleaned up and put away within an hour. The brunch was one of Nancy's shining achievements.

I did take a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I decided that I needed some exercise so I took a three mile walk. We watched the evening news and 60 minutes, in addition, to reading the GRP this evening. Dinner was a bowl of fruit. Who needs a big dinner after the brunch.

It is now 2040 and I am heading for the shower and then bed. It has been a great Father's Day.

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