Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saturday May 29, 2010

Saturday morning and I get up at 0630. I ride my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs. After breakfast, I get in the C2 stop at Rylee's to see if they had an electric lawn edger. They did not. My next stop was Home Depot. They had an edger and I purchased it. After I got home I plugged in the edger and edged the entire lawn. Since the lawn had not been given a good edge treatment in awhile a lot of dirt was thrown onto the sidewalks and drive. I had to broom it up and put in yard waste bags. After the edging I got out the weed trimmer and trimmed around the trees and close to the garage and back yard wall. I then got out the blower and blew all the loose grass back onto the lawn. I was having fun with my new toys. My final job was to finish cutting the back and side yards. The yard work took 4 hours. After all the hard work I took a shower and short nap.

We had dinner at Russ' and I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy and Nancy had a salad. After the meal we decided that to celebrate the holiday we would go to the ice cream store on Michigan and get a cone. I got a medium and Nancy got a small. It tasted great just like it should on a hot spring evening.

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