Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday June 26, 2010

1738 Sunday: It is always hard to recreate yesterday's events when your short term memory is bad. However, it was Saturday and I got up at 0700. The weatherman said Saturday will be a nice day so I get on the AT bike and head to Bill's for pancake and eggs. After breakfast Ms P and I spent some time in the garage. I was putting a new bike bag mounting on my AT's front handle bars. I really like the detachable bike bag that I installed on my road bike. I wanted a mounting for the AT so I could transfer the bag between bikes. I took me a while but I finally got it installed. I took the bike bag off the road bike and guess what? It didn't work. They gave me the wrong model. A smart guy would have checked the mounting before spending time installing it. Who said I was a smart guy?

Ms P started barking at some folks walking on the sidewalk. I grabbed her and started talking to the folks. They were on the OHNA's garden tour and commented on what a great neighborhood it was. I understand that over 200 people visited the various gardens. The neighborhood does look great.

I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails and Millennium Park. This bike trail is within an easy drive of the house. I rode for about two hours and covered 21 miles. After the ride I showered and iced my arm and shoulder.

Last night Nancy and I met the Namey's at Cascade Road House for dinner. After dinner we drove to the Namey's for dessert. It was a pleasant evening. We got home about 2130. I watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

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