Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday June 24, 2010

2033: This morning I got up at 0700. Like yesterday I only did my leg raises and sit-ups. I had a quick breakfast and then headed to the Kava House. I read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had an article on the Feds charging the ex mayor with numerous crimes. All the crimes involved his so called charity. It was a slush fund for the Mayor. He shook down contractors to contribute to the fund and then he might use the money for golf lessons or vacations. It just keeps coming.

Both papers had articles about the President firing General McChrystal. The President did the right thing.

After the Kava House I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I did not take Ms P because she had an appointment at the Beauty Shop. I stopped at the bike store and picked up a part I had ordered. My next stop was Gazelle Sports. I purchased a pair of light weight hiking pants.

When I got home Nancy and Ms P were gone. Nancy also had a Beauty Shop appointment. Today I cut the grass. It took me nearly 3.5 hours. I had the mower blade sharpened this week. You could tell that I used a sharp blade. I was almost done when Nancy came home. She got her hair cut short for the summer. It looks great. Later she picked up Ms P who also has short hair.

Nancy and I moved the old sofa that we had stored in our garage for years. Nancy is giving the sofa to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. We also moved the picnic table and bench outside. We might apply a coat of stain to the table and bench next week. I then swept out the garage.

After the all the outside work I took a shower and replaced all my bandages. Actually, I only have two, my nose and left forearm. The nose bandages come off tomorrow and the forearm will come off on Sunday.

For dinner tonight we sat outside at Great Lakes Shipping and enjoyed the live music and food. Not much on TV so I am heading to bed after I finish this blog. I am about 45% finished with my book. I have written 731 blogs.

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