Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday June 7, 2010

I get up at 0635. My first order of business is to take my fiber and water and warm up Nancy's coffee. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. I perform my at home routine without a hitch, eat breakfast and then get on the AT and head for the MAC. Despite the bright sunshine it is still in the high 50s so I have to put a jacket on. Monday is my busiest day at the MAC. I do my normal pull ups and other exercises and of course my run. I ran outside today. After the run on Mondays and Thursdays I also do dead lifts using a 110# bar. I do three sets of five. After the exercises on Monday I shave my head and face. I did not leave the MAC until 1100.

At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. It will be interesting to see what the ramification of the oil spill will be in 6 months. Will it influence elections and the pending energy legislation? Stay tuned.

I got home at 1300 and had a quick lunch. Nancy and I finished filling out our Russian visa forms. I wrote the check and headed to the post office. This afternoon I had an eye doctor appointment. I have been having problems with my left eye. This is my shingles eye. The doctor thinks the problems stems from a skin condition that starts with r (roseola?). He gave me some eye drops and a prescription for some pills. After a month he will evaluate my progress.

I got home in time to talk to Nancy before she goes to the Gardens. She is still working Monday evenings. I get back in the C2 and head for Meijer's on 28th Street (third world) to get my prescription filled. I finished my outside activities by taking a 30 minute walk.

I had cereal for dinner tonight. After dinner I watched the news until 1900 and CNBC until 2000. Nancy got home about 2000. At 2000 I headed upstairs to start my blog. Missy sent me an article on Bernie Madoff so I spent time ready this article. Bernie is a piece of work. It is now 2110 and we are all heading to bed. It was a beautiful spring day.

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