Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday June 25, 2010

2126: I seem to be falling (no pun intended) into a pattern since by big fall. I get up at 0700, do some sit-ups and leg raises, eat breakfast and then get on my bike and head to the Kava House. Today was no exception.

After the Kava House I come home and got ready for a bike ride. I am taking the road bike. It is hung on some hooks attached to the wood garage rafters. As I was taking the bike down it got loose and I reinjured my shoulder. Just when I thought things were getting better. Anyway I move on. I have three stops to make on my way to the bike trail. My first stop is Meijer's to get some bandages, toothpaste and eye drops. After Meijer's I stop at the Verizon store to get Nancy's cell phone replaced. They told me they cannot get me a replacement. I said why not? We have been paying Verizon for years for the phone. They give me some gibberish that antitrust laws prevent them from selling me a replacement phone and I must do it on-line. My final stop was the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to purchase a rear view mirror and water bottle holder.

Today I am riding on the Musketawa Trail. It starts near Marne and today I rode west to Ravenna. I covered 24.4 miles in 1hr59'. My GPS said that I burned 1530 calories. Wednesday I walked 6.6 miles in the same time and I only burned 630 calories. I think walking is harder than riding the bike.

After the ride I came home and took a shower. Today I removed the bandage on my nose. Now all I have is a bandage on my arm. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. That saying was from an old Pink Panther movie. I then iced my shoulder.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at the "Bob". A friend of Nancy's gave us $40 worth of coupons. I had soup and the salmon entree. Nancy had a chicken dish. The bill came to $8. Not bad.

We came home read the GRP and then watched some TV. I will now take Ms P out and then head for bed.

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