Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010

1823: It started out as a beautiful morning, sunny and cool. Last night's rain has cleared the air. I hopped on the AT and pedaled to Bill's. I had my usual pancakes and eggs.

I also read the DFP and WSJ. The only thing I did learn from the newspaper (WSJ) was that other countries have offered skimmers to the USA for picking up oil in the Gulf. However, an old law called the Jones Act requires that American Maritime Labor be used. President Bush temporarily suspended the law during the Katrina cleanup. President Obama did not want to buck the unions so the skimmers stayed in their native countries.

When I got home Nancy was busy preparing food for tomorrows brunch. I got out of her way by going on a 20 mile bike ride. After the ride we got in the Taurus and headed to Gas Light Village and their annual Art Fair. We spent about an hour walking around.

I took a shower and then a short nap. Tonight we are going to Jack Lensink's party. Jack is into gardening and today his house was on the Heritage Hill neighborhood garden tour. The party is in celebration of all Jack's efforts.

It was a beautiful evening. It stayed light until almost 2130. Jack's garden looked great. I was surprised that I knew several of the folks attending the party. There was a real estate salesman who I see at the Kava House almost every day. A member of the Breakfast Club was in attendance. Ken Stevens an old neighbor was also there. I had a good time talking about the "old days and cars". The only downside was that the mosquitoes were real bad. Nancy was eaten alive. The critters avoided me. I just took Ms P outside to do her bidness and noticed that we have a lot of fireflies in our yard. I am now heading to bed because tomorrow is a busy day.

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