Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday June 6, 2010

Today is D-day. I knew several men who participated in this operation. Unfortunately most of them are dead. There is a gentleman at the MAC who made the landing. Most of the participants in D day are now in their 80s.

I set the alarm for 0646 and got right up. Ms P had an urgent need to do her bidness. Ms P got herself in some serious trouble this morning. She got in the waste paper basket in the bathroom and spread the contents all around the upstairs. She was seriously reprimanded.

For the first time in about a month Nancy and I swam 1,500 yards. My time for the 1500 was 43'03". After the MAC we head for Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $2.74 per gallon. I also returned all our bottles for refund. Nancy bought a lot of fruit. Fruit is good.

Of course for breakfast we had Nancy's world famous poached eggs on English muffins. I read several sections of the paper and then took a nap. After the nap I got out the road bike and went on a 10 mile ride. I talked to Missy today and she and AJ are also training for next Sundays big ride.

We are having hot dogs, baked beans and corn on the cob for dinner. In fact I am heading downstairs now and will finish the blog later.

The dinner was great. We watched the news and then received a skype from the Scott Team. Nancy and I watched the hockey game and the basketball game. My favorites the Blackhawks and Celtics were leading. It is now 2121 and we are heading to bed.

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