Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday May 30, 2010

Sunday morning and we get up at 0646. We head for the MAC and our swim. This morning we decided to swim 30 minutes and not our usual 45 (1,000 yard vs 1,500 yards). After our swim we head for Meijer's to stock up on groceries. I also fill the Taurus up. Gas was $2.65 per gallon. We had our normal Sunday breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs.

Today instead of taking a nap we loaded Ms P in the car and headed for Ottawa County. We stopped at several nurseries' and Nancy bought four hanging baskets and several perennials. It was another warm sunny day. We have been making this trip to Ottawa County for about the last six years. It is our start of summer flower trip.

We spent a quiet evening at home. Nancy cooked a steak on the grill. Did you know that until 1971 this day, May 30, was known as Decoration Day and was a national Holiday? Congress in 1971 wanted a three day weekend to start the summer season so they changed Decoration Day to Memorial Day and made it the last Monday in May.

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