Sunday, June 6, 2010

Friday June 4, 2010

Today is going to be a busy day. I get up at 0626 and Nancy informs me that a large rain storm will be arriving about noon. I whine because today I am going to cut the grass. I forego using the Concept 2 this morning and go 75% at the MAC which included a 1.5 mile run. I drove to the MAC and as soon as I got home I got out the lawn mower. The grass was still wet because the sprinklers went off about 0230 last night. I started anyway and at 1215 I had completed mowing, edging, trimming and blowing the lawn. I took 2.5 hours a record time.

Today they had a retirement party for Carol Masten at the MAC. Nancy had gone earlier and I arrived at 1230. Carol had worked 24 years at the MAC. She was manager for the last five years. The party was well attended. Carol's son and Steve were high school classmates. I hope she enjoys her retirement.

After the party I returned home and was going to work on the computer for awhile. Instead my phone rang and The GR Bicycle Store called and said my handle grip had arrived. So I loaded the bike on the C2 and along with Ms P headed for the store. The work will be done tomorrow. I am getting the road bike ready for the big bike ride next week in Ohio. Missy and I rode the 50 mile ride last year and it was great. This year we might only ride 25 miles because Missy will have AJ in tow.

When I got home I took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner with the Namey's. We are going to the Sundance Grill. After dinner we are returning to our house for dessert. I forgot to mention yesterday that we took delivery on our three upholstered chairs. They look great and we get to show them off tonight.

For our after dinner snack Nancy made some cookies and she also fixed ice cream with strawberries. It was a great evening.

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