Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday June 8, 2010

Good grief I slept in until almost 0700 this morning. I am now back at 100% for my exercise routine. However, on May 16 I weighted 160# and today I weighted 167#. I have to change the diet. I planned going kayaking this afternoon. I got to the Kava House and started reading the DFP when I thought the light would be better in the old smoking room. So I picked up my things and headed to the room. As I was setting my coffee down I dropped my Kindle. Yes folks I dropped the Kindle. I got a display but I could not read the top 3 lines. I finished my coffee and headed home with tears in my eyes.

The first thing I did when I got home was contact Amazon. They had a neat way of phoning them, and I got in within 90 seconds. Boy was I lucky my Kindle was still under warranty and they are sending me a new one. As soon as I receive my new Kindle I must mail the old one back.

After lunch it started to rain so the kayak trip was off. Instead Nancy and I went to Meijer's to pick up my prescription and then to Costco. We bought a chicken for dinner tonight. It was still raining when I got home so I did what came naturally and took a nap.

For dinner tonight we had the Costco chicken, a baked potato and corn on the cob. I had a glass of wine after dinner. I read the GRP and then watched a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 Nancy and I headed to bed. It is still raining outside and the temperature is in the low 50s.

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