Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday June 23, 2010

1747: Wednesday is my easy day. I am up at 0700 and because it is suppose to rain I put on my rain coat and get in the C2 and head to "Bill's". I have the weekday special and read the DFP. I did not read the WSJ because it was raining hard and I knew Ms P would be wild. I get home and she appears under control. It is a rainy morning so I decide to empty the piggy bank and wrap some coin. I had $147 in coin.

After a quick lunch I load Ms P in the C2 and head to the bank to get some bills for my coin. After the bank I stop at Verizon to get a new phone for Nancy. I wait 45 minutes and I am still 10 down on the list. I leave in a huff and head for home. A new storm is suppose to blow through about 1800 so I decide to go on a walk. I strap on the GPS and take the same route as yesterday. It is 6.6 miles and I walk it in 1hr59' about 5 minutes faster than yesterday.

I take a quick shower and then head downstairs for dinner. Nancy has to work at the Gardens tonight so I have cereal and strawberries for dinner. I watch the news and Kudlow. At 2000 we start watching Bugsy on TV. About 2030 Missy skyped us and we all talked to Missy and AJ. It is now 2115 and I can hear the thunder in the distance. The storm should be here in about 15 minutes. I will sign off because I must get Ms P out before the rains come.

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