Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday June 15, 2010

1934: I got up at 0630 this morning. It is back to my normal routine. It was misting when I got ready to head to the MAC. I put on my raincoat and headed out the door. The mist was very light so I did not get wet. It was Tuesday so the MAC was nearly empty. I performed my MAC routine including an outside run without a hitch. Since I did not do dead lifts yesterday I did them today. I am doing 3 sets of 5 dead lifts. The weight is 110 pounds. I have been thinking that this might be too much. Should I drop back to 90 pounds? 90 pounds is about the most I would ever lift. It is the weight of a bag of cement. I also shaved my head. It was looking unkempt.

It was raining hard when I left the MAC. I decided to move on to the Kava House because my raincoat seemed to be keeping me dry. i got my coffee and read the DFP and WSJ. I am sitting in the old smoking section of the Kava House. This room has many windows and is much brighter than where I used to sit. My eye problem seems to have gone away. Is it because the light is better?

I had a quick lunch and then waited for the AC repair man to arrive. He arrived at 1330 and checked out the AC and said everything is fine. He did mention that in a year or two we will need a new AC and furnace. After he left I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. My first stop was Rylee's Hardware to get some furnace filters and check out some mosquito spray. We will need to spray our backyard before Akerke's big day in July. My next stop was the rental store. I checked out renting tables and chairs for the July event. They are readily available. My final stop was the bank to see about a CD that is coming due. The bank was so crowded that I headed home.

I decided to end the afternoon with a three mile walk. Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing. We also had corn on the cob. It was very good. After dinner I was sitting in my lazyboy with Ms P on my lap. I was reading the GRP and drinking a glass of 2 buck chuck when Ms P started barking. I was startled and spilled my wine on the chair and rug. Needless to say Nancy was mad. We cleaned it up as best we could. I headed upstairs to write this blog and Nancy headed to a OHNA Board meeting. It is now 1956 and I will head downstairs to watch the President. I will head to bed early because tomorrow I have Breakfast Club.

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