Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday June 28, 2010

2104: It was hot and humid last night. The weather folks said it would cool off over night and the 0600 temperature would be in the 50s. They were wrong. I have had trouble sleeping lately. Most of my problem is that I cannot get comfortable. My sore shoulder and ribs restrict my movement. I got up three times last night. When I get up I go downstairs and spin through some TV channels. I usually go from channel 150 to 232. I got up at 0700. I perform my morning sit-ups and leg raises and this morning I got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I did some stretching and balancing exercises and then ran 1.5 miles. My hair was getting kind of unkempt so I shaved my head. It was difficult because I could not raise my left arm. I managed by lowering my head. I also sat in the cold plunge to let the cold water massage my shoulder. I don't know if it did any good.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. One article in the WSJ really got me worked up. India is constructing a large coal fired power plant. The Indian power company has a large order for heavy equipment from Bucyrus International located in Milwaukee. The order is over $600 million. The American Ex-Im Bank denied the Indian Power Company a loan because of environmental concerns. The Indian Government desperately needs the power plant so they will go somewhere else to get the money. Milwaukee will lose a lot of good paying manufacturing jobs. The Ex-Im Board is made up of 2 Dems and 1 Rep. The Dems voted against the project. I was steamed.

After lunch I decided to get some chores done. First I called Verizon and got Nancy a new phone. I then stopped at the bank. I also stopped at Kentwood Cycle shop to get a new mounting device for my handlebar bike bag. They took to old mounting device and ordered a new one with no questions asked. My final stop was the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to get a new left front pedal. They gave me a new pedal at no charge. Finally I stopped by the office and picked up new Tee shirts for Nancy and me. Since I had the AT strapped in the rack I drove down Monroe to Riverside Park and rode on the White Pine Trail for 90 minutes.

I got home about 1800. Nancy had spent the day in Troy, Mi on a shopping trip for the gift shop. She got home about 1700. I had cereal for dinner and then read the GRP. Ms P and I also walked around the block. It was a busy day.

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