Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29, 2010

1753: I slept in until 0730 this morning. Nancy was already up and ready to leave for the MAC. I did my leg raises and sit-ups and then headed to the MAC. I did my normal routine, minus the pull ups. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I did not find any newspaper article that I would like to comment on. Are the DFP and WSJ newspapers when I read them on the Kindle?

After lunch I spent some time working on my computer. I read emails, posted some photos of Alessandra's party on my facebook page. It was such a beautiful day, sunny and cool that I wanted some outside time. I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I rode on Kent Trails and the trails in Millennium Park for about 90 minutes. There was a lot of bike traffic on the trails.

Tonight Nancy made an Asian slaw chicken salad for dinner. It was very good and a perfect summer evening meal. We watched a little TV and then at 2100 headed to bed. I have to get up early for Breakfast Club tomorrow. I have my alarm set for 0545.

Monday June 28, 2010

2104: It was hot and humid last night. The weather folks said it would cool off over night and the 0600 temperature would be in the 50s. They were wrong. I have had trouble sleeping lately. Most of my problem is that I cannot get comfortable. My sore shoulder and ribs restrict my movement. I got up three times last night. When I get up I go downstairs and spin through some TV channels. I usually go from channel 150 to 232. I got up at 0700. I perform my morning sit-ups and leg raises and this morning I got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I did some stretching and balancing exercises and then ran 1.5 miles. My hair was getting kind of unkempt so I shaved my head. It was difficult because I could not raise my left arm. I managed by lowering my head. I also sat in the cold plunge to let the cold water massage my shoulder. I don't know if it did any good.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. One article in the WSJ really got me worked up. India is constructing a large coal fired power plant. The Indian power company has a large order for heavy equipment from Bucyrus International located in Milwaukee. The order is over $600 million. The American Ex-Im Bank denied the Indian Power Company a loan because of environmental concerns. The Indian Government desperately needs the power plant so they will go somewhere else to get the money. Milwaukee will lose a lot of good paying manufacturing jobs. The Ex-Im Board is made up of 2 Dems and 1 Rep. The Dems voted against the project. I was steamed.

After lunch I decided to get some chores done. First I called Verizon and got Nancy a new phone. I then stopped at the bank. I also stopped at Kentwood Cycle shop to get a new mounting device for my handlebar bike bag. They took to old mounting device and ordered a new one with no questions asked. My final stop was the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to get a new left front pedal. They gave me a new pedal at no charge. Finally I stopped by the office and picked up new Tee shirts for Nancy and me. Since I had the AT strapped in the rack I drove down Monroe to Riverside Park and rode on the White Pine Trail for 90 minutes.

I got home about 1800. Nancy had spent the day in Troy, Mi on a shopping trip for the gift shop. She got home about 1700. I had cereal for dinner and then read the GRP. Ms P and I also walked around the block. It was a busy day.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday June 27, 2010

2157: I set the alarm last night for 0646. Today is suppose to be a rainy day. The alarm goes off and Nancy took Ms P out to do her bidness. I cannot swim because of the shoulder injury so I planned on a run on the indoor track. Nancy was going swimming. I had just started my run when a big thunder storm rolled through. It really came down. The MAC must close the pool during a thunder storm, so Nancy's swim was cut short. I ran 1.5 miles and walked 10 minutes on the tread mill at a 3.5 mph pace. I would like to be able to walk at a 4 mph pace.

After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. Today we had to replenish our larder. I filled the Taurus with gas. Gas is $2.89 per gallon. After Nancy's world famous breakfast of poached eggs on English muffins, I read a couple of sections of the paper and then took my nap. After the nap I got in the C2 and headed to Home Depot to get some data on staining our old redwood picnic table. I was not encouraged. All of the cleaners are very toxic. I decided that I would give the table a good washing and put a table cloth over it. I finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.

Nancy grilled hamburger for dinner tonight. We also had corn-on-the-cob. I watched 60 minutes or most of it because Nancy said I slept 45 minutes. I finished the GRP and then at 2100 we headed to bed.

Yesterday I got an invitation to my 55th high school reunion. It will be held July 1 and 2 in 2011. Nothing like getting the invitations out early.

Saturday June 26, 2010

1738 Sunday: It is always hard to recreate yesterday's events when your short term memory is bad. However, it was Saturday and I got up at 0700. The weatherman said Saturday will be a nice day so I get on the AT bike and head to Bill's for pancake and eggs. After breakfast Ms P and I spent some time in the garage. I was putting a new bike bag mounting on my AT's front handle bars. I really like the detachable bike bag that I installed on my road bike. I wanted a mounting for the AT so I could transfer the bag between bikes. I took me a while but I finally got it installed. I took the bike bag off the road bike and guess what? It didn't work. They gave me the wrong model. A smart guy would have checked the mounting before spending time installing it. Who said I was a smart guy?

Ms P started barking at some folks walking on the sidewalk. I grabbed her and started talking to the folks. They were on the OHNA's garden tour and commented on what a great neighborhood it was. I understand that over 200 people visited the various gardens. The neighborhood does look great.

I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails and Millennium Park. This bike trail is within an easy drive of the house. I rode for about two hours and covered 21 miles. After the ride I showered and iced my arm and shoulder.

Last night Nancy and I met the Namey's at Cascade Road House for dinner. After dinner we drove to the Namey's for dessert. It was a pleasant evening. We got home about 2130. I watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday June 25, 2010

2126: I seem to be falling (no pun intended) into a pattern since by big fall. I get up at 0700, do some sit-ups and leg raises, eat breakfast and then get on my bike and head to the Kava House. Today was no exception.

After the Kava House I come home and got ready for a bike ride. I am taking the road bike. It is hung on some hooks attached to the wood garage rafters. As I was taking the bike down it got loose and I reinjured my shoulder. Just when I thought things were getting better. Anyway I move on. I have three stops to make on my way to the bike trail. My first stop is Meijer's to get some bandages, toothpaste and eye drops. After Meijer's I stop at the Verizon store to get Nancy's cell phone replaced. They told me they cannot get me a replacement. I said why not? We have been paying Verizon for years for the phone. They give me some gibberish that antitrust laws prevent them from selling me a replacement phone and I must do it on-line. My final stop was the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to purchase a rear view mirror and water bottle holder.

Today I am riding on the Musketawa Trail. It starts near Marne and today I rode west to Ravenna. I covered 24.4 miles in 1hr59'. My GPS said that I burned 1530 calories. Wednesday I walked 6.6 miles in the same time and I only burned 630 calories. I think walking is harder than riding the bike.

After the ride I came home and took a shower. Today I removed the bandage on my nose. Now all I have is a bandage on my arm. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. That saying was from an old Pink Panther movie. I then iced my shoulder.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at the "Bob". A friend of Nancy's gave us $40 worth of coupons. I had soup and the salmon entree. Nancy had a chicken dish. The bill came to $8. Not bad.

We came home read the GRP and then watched some TV. I will now take Ms P out and then head for bed.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday June 24, 2010

2033: This morning I got up at 0700. Like yesterday I only did my leg raises and sit-ups. I had a quick breakfast and then headed to the Kava House. I read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had an article on the Feds charging the ex mayor with numerous crimes. All the crimes involved his so called charity. It was a slush fund for the Mayor. He shook down contractors to contribute to the fund and then he might use the money for golf lessons or vacations. It just keeps coming.

Both papers had articles about the President firing General McChrystal. The President did the right thing.

After the Kava House I got in the C2 and ran some errands. I did not take Ms P because she had an appointment at the Beauty Shop. I stopped at the bike store and picked up a part I had ordered. My next stop was Gazelle Sports. I purchased a pair of light weight hiking pants.

When I got home Nancy and Ms P were gone. Nancy also had a Beauty Shop appointment. Today I cut the grass. It took me nearly 3.5 hours. I had the mower blade sharpened this week. You could tell that I used a sharp blade. I was almost done when Nancy came home. She got her hair cut short for the summer. It looks great. Later she picked up Ms P who also has short hair.

Nancy and I moved the old sofa that we had stored in our garage for years. Nancy is giving the sofa to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. We also moved the picnic table and bench outside. We might apply a coat of stain to the table and bench next week. I then swept out the garage.

After the all the outside work I took a shower and replaced all my bandages. Actually, I only have two, my nose and left forearm. The nose bandages come off tomorrow and the forearm will come off on Sunday.

For dinner tonight we sat outside at Great Lakes Shipping and enjoyed the live music and food. Not much on TV so I am heading to bed after I finish this blog. I am about 45% finished with my book. I have written 731 blogs.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday June 23, 2010

1747: Wednesday is my easy day. I am up at 0700 and because it is suppose to rain I put on my rain coat and get in the C2 and head to "Bill's". I have the weekday special and read the DFP. I did not read the WSJ because it was raining hard and I knew Ms P would be wild. I get home and she appears under control. It is a rainy morning so I decide to empty the piggy bank and wrap some coin. I had $147 in coin.

After a quick lunch I load Ms P in the C2 and head to the bank to get some bills for my coin. After the bank I stop at Verizon to get a new phone for Nancy. I wait 45 minutes and I am still 10 down on the list. I leave in a huff and head for home. A new storm is suppose to blow through about 1800 so I decide to go on a walk. I strap on the GPS and take the same route as yesterday. It is 6.6 miles and I walk it in 1hr59' about 5 minutes faster than yesterday.

I take a quick shower and then head downstairs for dinner. Nancy has to work at the Gardens tonight so I have cereal and strawberries for dinner. I watch the news and Kudlow. At 2000 we start watching Bugsy on TV. About 2030 Missy skyped us and we all talked to Missy and AJ. It is now 2115 and I can hear the thunder in the distance. The storm should be here in about 15 minutes. I will sign off because I must get Ms P out before the rains come.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday June 22, 2010

1138: Boy did we have a tough night. After finishing last night's blog I headed to bed. We debated whether to turn on the AC but decided against it. It was about 80 when I went to bed. Around 0100 a major thunder storm passed through our area. Ms P went bonkers. Nancy finally got up and took Ms P downstairs. Several minutes later the storm warning sirens went off. We all headed down to the basement. Since our power was still on I turned on the TV. All three local stations had their weather staffs reporting on the storm. They all had radar and all the other electronic toys. We arrived in the basement about 0105 and the tornado warning was in effect until 0145. We just watched TV. Wind gusts of 75 mph or more were reported over by the lake. Power was out in many areas. Nancy stuck her head outside about 0130 and said it was raining hard. At 0145 the tornado warning went off and we headed to bed. Ms P finally settled down about 0200.

I woke up at 0600 and took Ms P outside to do her bidness. Today is garbage day and the storm had tipped over our cart and pushed our neighbor's recycle bin across the street. I got Nancy her coffee and then went back to bed. I got up for good at 0700. I did my leg raises and sit ups but still cannot do a pushup or row. After breakfast I headed to the Kava House.

Several news items today I found interesting. The first was the article in Rolling Stone about General McChrystal's comments about the civilian leadership. If the remarks are true General McChrystal should be fired. This is a no brainer. Civilians run the military and the Generals must obey.

The WSJ continues to hammer the President for not allowing foreign skimmers and other cleanup vessels from operating in US waters. Several countries have offered these ships. The President does not want to buck the maritime unions. President Bush suspended the law during Katrina.

The President appointed a commission to study the causes of the spill and make recommendations. The commission is made up of folks who have always been against off shore drilling. There are no petroleum engineers on the panel. I have concluded that the President is too far left for me.

I am now going to eat a quick lunch and then head to the doctors to get my stitches out. 2117: The stitches came out without a hitch. On my way home I stopped at Meijer and purchased some shaving and dental supplies. I needed some exercise so I walked around Reeds Lake. I wore my GPS and it told me that I walked 6.25 miles in 2hr05'. My walking pace was 19'11" per mile. I would like to be able to get my pace down to 18' per mile. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a grilled chicken breast on a field of green. We also had corn on the cob and French bread. It was a great. Tonight we also cleaned out the reefer of all the fruit left over from the brunch. The reefer is now almost empty. We watched the evening news and then at 1900 I switched to "Chris Matthews". I immediately fell asleep. I slept for 60 minutes. At 2000 we watched a NCIS rerun. It is now 80 degrees outside and we have the AC on. Another line of thunder showers is scheduled for day break tomorrow. More fun time with Ms P.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday June 21, 2010

2111: Happy Solstice: Today is the longest day of the year. Sunset tonight in GR is at 2125. I am always a little depressed when the longest day arrives because that means the days will start getting shorter and winter cannot be far off. I say this as the current temperature is 80 degrees. Today was a beautiful. I got up at 0600 to take Ms P out to do her bidness. I then went back to bed and slept until 0700. I tried to do some exercises but could only do some sit ups and leg raises. My shoulder does feel a little better today but I cannot do any pushups.

After my brief attempt at exercising I got on the AT and headed to the Kava House. I read, as usual, the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to 53rd Bank to renew an IRA CD. Then it was on to the Lawn Mower repair shop to get the mower blade sharpened. Our final stop was the to Public Museum to get some tickets for the 4th Fireworks.

After a quick lunch I loaded the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails Bike Path near John Ball Park. I parked in the new parking lot and headed south and west towards Millennium Park. This trail has been recently resurfaced and is a nice ride. Millennium Park has about 10 miles of new paved trails. I really like the Park Trails because they are scenic. You bike through heavily wooded areas and large wetlands. Today I saw 2 woodchucks, a rabbit and a mother Mink carry her baby in her mouth. This is the first time I have seen a Mink this close to an Urban area. I rode 20 miles.

When I got home I had to shower and replace my elbow bandage and grease up my nose and elbow. Tomorrow I get the stitches out. Nancy is still working at the Gardens on Monday evening so I had a bowl of cereal with strawberries. I watched the news and some financial shows on Fox Business and CNBC. At 2000 I watched World Cup highlights. Tonight we might have to turn on the AC. We are suppose to get some heavy showers any minute now. We are hoping the rain will cool things off.

Sunday June 20,2010

2025: Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. All my children called today to wish me Happy Father's Day. It is always great to be recognized.

I got up at 0600 and took Ms P out to do her bidness. I then went back to bed and slept until 0700. This morning is a busy morning because Nancy and Bob must get ready for the brunch. Nancy was busy fixing the food and I ran the vacuum and moved some clutter down the basement. At 0815 I had to have a coffee so I headed to the Kava House and purchased a 20 oz. I brought the coffee home so I could help getting ready. When I got home about 0850 Nancy was sitting outside reading the GRP and telling me that she was ready. I did have to make the coffee. We made both regular and decaf.

Nancy made a fancy egg dish. She also made some quiche. In addition to the egg dishes she had assorted fruits, coffee cakes and bread. She also had nuts and chocolates to snack on. We started the brunch with a champagne/orange juice drink. The brunch was to start at 1030 and by 1035 all eight guests had arrived. It was a beautiful summer morning and everyone was in a festive mood. Even Ms P was in a good mood and not a pest. It was Father's Day so everyone told a brief story about their dad. It was very interesting. The guests stayed until about 1300. I was surprised that we got everything cleaned up and put away within an hour. The brunch was one of Nancy's shining achievements.

I did take a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I decided that I needed some exercise so I took a three mile walk. We watched the evening news and 60 minutes, in addition, to reading the GRP this evening. Dinner was a bowl of fruit. Who needs a big dinner after the brunch.

It is now 2040 and I am heading for the shower and then bed. It has been a great Father's Day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010

1823: It started out as a beautiful morning, sunny and cool. Last night's rain has cleared the air. I hopped on the AT and pedaled to Bill's. I had my usual pancakes and eggs.

I also read the DFP and WSJ. The only thing I did learn from the newspaper (WSJ) was that other countries have offered skimmers to the USA for picking up oil in the Gulf. However, an old law called the Jones Act requires that American Maritime Labor be used. President Bush temporarily suspended the law during the Katrina cleanup. President Obama did not want to buck the unions so the skimmers stayed in their native countries.

When I got home Nancy was busy preparing food for tomorrows brunch. I got out of her way by going on a 20 mile bike ride. After the ride we got in the Taurus and headed to Gas Light Village and their annual Art Fair. We spent about an hour walking around.

I took a shower and then a short nap. Tonight we are going to Jack Lensink's party. Jack is into gardening and today his house was on the Heritage Hill neighborhood garden tour. The party is in celebration of all Jack's efforts.

It was a beautiful evening. It stayed light until almost 2130. Jack's garden looked great. I was surprised that I knew several of the folks attending the party. There was a real estate salesman who I see at the Kava House almost every day. A member of the Breakfast Club was in attendance. Ken Stevens an old neighbor was also there. I had a good time talking about the "old days and cars". The only downside was that the mosquitoes were real bad. Nancy was eaten alive. The critters avoided me. I just took Ms P outside to do her bidness and noticed that we have a lot of fireflies in our yard. I am now heading to bed because tomorrow is a busy day.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18, 2010

2150: Friday morning the first morning after the "nose dive". Both my eyes are black and blue. Nancy took another photo. The morning started with a fast moving thunder storm that drove Ms P wild. I cannot lift my left arm over my shoulder so I did not exercise today. I got on my AT and pedaled to the Kava House. I read both the DFP and WSJ. It must be warm weather blahs because the newspapers seem to have lost interest in reporting interesting news.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then finished cutting, trimming and edging the grass. It took about an hour. The sky turned blue after the morning's thunder shower but it became very hot and humid. About 1530 I decided I needed some exercise so I took a 5 mile walk.

After a shower and change of bandages Nancy and I headed out to dinner. We first stopped at Russo's and bought some $3 wine. We had dinner at "Grand Rapids Brewing" and Nancy and I both had the cherry chicken salad. It was very good. On our way home we stopped at Meijer so Nancy could purchase some fruit for our Sunday party. I read the GRP and then at 2100 we watched a show on Fox called "Good Guys". Tom Hank's son is a star on this show. I don't think it will make it.

I can't get the photos to upload. I will try later.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday June 17. 2010

2124: I get up at 0630. It is going to be a beautiful day in GR. Tomorrow is suppose to be very hot and humid. I make a decision to cut the grass today. The yard has to be nice and tidy for our Father's Day Breakfast Brunch. I ride the AT to the MAC and perform all my normal exercises.

It was such a nice day I ran outside. We have had a lot of rain lately so mud puddles have formed at low spots in the sidewalk. As I was running I tried to avoid the wet spots. I even ran in the street for a short distance. About 1 mile into the run I slipped on a west spot and fell flat on my face. My nose landed first. I was bleeding profusely but I continued my run. The girls at the MAC got out their first aid kit and cleaned me up. A doctor was just entering and they asked him to look at my nose. He said I needed stitches. I got on my bike and headed home. I took a shower and called our GP, Dr Kutsche. He had an opening in about 30 minutes so I headed to his office. He gave me four stitches. I also had a bad scrape on my left forearm. He removed the dead skin and applied a patch. I am not in any pain but my left shoulder is very sore. In fact I have trouble raising it above my head.

After the Doctor's I stopped at Meijer's to get some medical supplies. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then started mowing the grass. I got all the yard done except for the backyard. I will complete the backyard tomorrow. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had a much needed cold beer and a French Dip sandwich.

I dropped Nancy off on Alexander so she could collect OHNA dues. I headed to the gas station to fill up the Taurus. Gas was $2.79. When I got home I got out the ice patches and placed them on my shoulder and nose. We watched the Mentalist and at 2100 headed upstairs. It has been a busy day. Nancy took a picture of my nose. If you think the shingles made me ugly today's fall makes me look super ugly. Photos will be posted tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday June 16, 2010

1954: Today is Breakfast Club Day. I get up at 0545, take Ms P outside to do her bidness and fetch some coffee for Nancy. This is the earliest I have been up since the last Breakfast Club. This morning we had a great breakfast. We had scrambled eggs, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, sticky buns and yogurt with fruit. Not a calorie in the meal. Even the speaker was good.

After the meeting I headed downtown to get a battery for a Nike watch Missy had given Nancy. The watch store was closed so I headed back home to load up the kayak. We had a heavy rain last night so I wanted to stay away from local rivers. I decided to go to Yankee Springs State Park on Gun Lake. It was quite windy so I tried to paddle in sheltered areas. I wore my GPS and today I averaged about 25 minutes per mile. I paddled for two hours.

I think we have had an unusual number of windy days the past two years. Whenever I talk to boaters I ask them if they think I am correct about the wind. Almost everyone I talk to agrees. Today I talked to the owner of a boat repair operation. He spends almost every day on the water testing boat engines. He also agrees about the wind.

When I got home I unloaded the kayak and had a quick lunch. I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we ran some errands. Our first stop was the watch store. I bought a battery and the watch is running fine. We also stopped at D&W so I could buy some stain remover. We used up our last bottle yesterday cleaning up my wine spill.

After dropping off our purchases and Ms P I took a walk. I wore the GPS and walked 2.15 miles. My average speed was 19 minutes per mile. So I kayak 25 minutes per mile, walk 19 minutes per mile, run 10 minutes per mile and pedal 6 minutes per mile. I thought I would provide the readers with some numbers overload.

Tonight was cereal night. I watched the news and started reading the GRP when I fell asleep. At 1930 I took a glass of wine and headed upstairs to clear my desk and do today's blog. Since I have twice spilled wine in the backroom I think I better drink it in my office. I got another high school classmate on my facebook page. I hear a lot of folks talking about facebook and how most of their friends are from high school. In my case that is true.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday June 15, 2010

1934: I got up at 0630 this morning. It is back to my normal routine. It was misting when I got ready to head to the MAC. I put on my raincoat and headed out the door. The mist was very light so I did not get wet. It was Tuesday so the MAC was nearly empty. I performed my MAC routine including an outside run without a hitch. Since I did not do dead lifts yesterday I did them today. I am doing 3 sets of 5 dead lifts. The weight is 110 pounds. I have been thinking that this might be too much. Should I drop back to 90 pounds? 90 pounds is about the most I would ever lift. It is the weight of a bag of cement. I also shaved my head. It was looking unkempt.

It was raining hard when I left the MAC. I decided to move on to the Kava House because my raincoat seemed to be keeping me dry. i got my coffee and read the DFP and WSJ. I am sitting in the old smoking section of the Kava House. This room has many windows and is much brighter than where I used to sit. My eye problem seems to have gone away. Is it because the light is better?

I had a quick lunch and then waited for the AC repair man to arrive. He arrived at 1330 and checked out the AC and said everything is fine. He did mention that in a year or two we will need a new AC and furnace. After he left I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. My first stop was Rylee's Hardware to get some furnace filters and check out some mosquito spray. We will need to spray our backyard before Akerke's big day in July. My next stop was the rental store. I checked out renting tables and chairs for the July event. They are readily available. My final stop was the bank to see about a CD that is coming due. The bank was so crowded that I headed home.

I decided to end the afternoon with a three mile walk. Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing. We also had corn on the cob. It was very good. After dinner I was sitting in my lazyboy with Ms P on my lap. I was reading the GRP and drinking a glass of 2 buck chuck when Ms P started barking. I was startled and spilled my wine on the chair and rug. Needless to say Nancy was mad. We cleaned it up as best we could. I headed upstairs to write this blog and Nancy headed to a OHNA Board meeting. It is now 1956 and I will head downstairs to watch the President. I will head to bed early because tomorrow I have Breakfast Club.

Monday June 14, 2010

Monday morning in Lakewood, Ohio: I slept in until my body told me it was well rested. I got dressed loaded up the C2 and headed to GR. It started raining hard as soon as I got on I90. I stopped at the Toll Road rest stop about 60 miles from Lakewood. I got coffee, a Burger King egg biscuit sandwich and filled up the C2. It continued to rain until I got to Michigan. I stopped at the Michigan Tourist Center and got a 2010 MI highway map. My next stop was the discount mall outside of Howell. I was just going to buy some underwear at the Jockey store but ended up purchasing a pair on khaki shorts, backpack and a plastic container for trail mix.

I got home about 1530. I unloaded my bike and car and then decided I needed to get in my 30 so I took a 3 mile walk. Nancy had to work at the Gardens so I had cereal and fruit for dinner. I also had a glass of wine. I read the paper and watched a little TV and then headed upstairs to catch up on my blogs. I wrote the Saturday and Sunday blogs before I gave up and headed to bed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday June 13, 2010

The alarm goes off at 0600 and I get right up. I put on my riding gear and head downstairs. Akerke and Melissa are eating breakfast. Akerke's fever is gone. We had a thunder storm come through last night and it cooled things off a bit. We load our bikes on Missy's rack and head to Burton. On the way Missy stops at a McDonald's so I can get an egg McMuffin and coffee.

Burton is off the beaten path and on our way we do not see any other cars with bikes. I think people are not coming because of the weather. Boy was I wrong. We got to the parking lot and we got one of the last spaces. Bikes were everywhere. We head to the registration desk and check in. The ride is very well organized. All riders will initially ride a 27 mile loop and then if they want to do the 62.5 mile or 50 mile ride they take off from the original start.

I am riding my road bike with skinny tire that carry 120 psi. The skinny tires and high pressure make pedaling much easier than say a mountain bike that has fat tires and tire pressure of only 60 psi. Missy is riding a mountain bike with Akerke sitting in a bike seat. The bike seat is a lot like a kid's car seat. It has a shoulder harness and all the safety features. However, Missy must use a lot more energy to propel her bike than yours truly.

It starts to mist as we move out. I thought, boy!, this is not a good sign. I was a little nervous riding the first several miles because of the vehicular traffic and narrow road. However, once we got off the heavily travelled roads and into the countryside it was much better. My shirt got wet but I kind of liked it because it kept me cool. The only problem was the rain on my glasses. I did stop two times to clean my glasses.

The ride was through Amish country and it being Sunday we saw a lot of folk riding their carriages to worship service. I don't think the Amish have churches but worship at different homes. (I could be wrong!) We drove past one home and you could hear the folks singing hymns. The Ohio Amish farms look to be larger than Amish farms in Michigan. They also look very prosperous.

We did this ride last year so I should have been prepared for all the hills. However, even with my single speed I was able to climb all the hills. Missy also made all the hills even with her heavier load. We decided half way through that today we would only ride the 27 mile initial loop.

The rain stopped about mile 10 and my shirt was dry by the time I got to the end of the ride. We completed the ride about 1130. The nice thing about this ride is that lunch is provided at the end of the 27 mile loop. We had pasta, meatballs, salad and all the cookies you could eat. I bet there were at least 500 riders today. It is a great experience and I hope to do it again next year.

When we got home I took a shower and a nap. We then piled in Missy's car and did some shopping. We stopped at the store that sold that great cheese so I could buy a brick. Next we stopped at Trader Joe's and I bought 3 bottles of 2 buck chuck, ginger snaps and some trail mix. We had dinner at a local eatery and tonight we ate outside. I had a club sandwich. We got back to Missy's in time for 60 Minutes and I immediately feel asleep. I headed to bed about 2100.

Saturday June 12, 2010

Saturday morning and I get up at, you guessed it, 0650. Today is a travel day. I load the road bike on my C2 and head for Cleveland. For breakfast today I stop at Dunkin Donuts for coffee and three sour cream donuts. Breakfast of Champions. The ride to Cleveland went without a hitch. I encountered some construction but no major delays. I did stop at Cabella's in Dundee but did not purchase anything. A tornado devastated parts of Dundee but Cabella's was spared any damage.

It was very hot and humid at Melissa's. Usually I don't mind hot humid conditions but today I did not want to be doing any strenuous activities. Akerke and Melissa were in fine spirits. The bond between Akerke and Melissa is becoming stronger. It is a joy to see.

We had dinner at the "Leaping Lizard". They had outside dining but I wanted to eat inside under the AC. I had a salad with roast duck. It was very good.

It had been a long day so I headed to bed early. I set the alarm on my cell to go off at 0600. We want to be in Burton, Ohio by 0800. The bike ride, which starts at 0800, is called a "Sunday in June" and we will ride either 25 or 50 miles tomorrow depending on the weather. Also Akerke has a fever and Melissa wants to make sure she can handle the ride.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday June 11, 2010

I must be locked in a 0650 time warp. Every morning it seems this is the time I wake. The weatherman says rain today so I take the C2 to the MAC. I ran outside and it only sprinkled. As I was leaving the MAC the skies let loose and it came down in buckets. I took the C2 to the Chevy place to get the oil changed. Notice I said Chevy and not Chevrolet. No sooner had I sat down to read the DFP than the job was done. It was still early so I headed to the Kava House and read the papers.

Kim came today so I had a very quick lunch and then left so I would not be in her way. Don't want to slow down the cleaning lady. I stopped at Best Buy to get a gift certificate for Robert Calloway, the kid next door. He just graduated from GRCC. Nancy is going to attend his party tomorrow. I will be in Cleveland. Speaking of Cleveland I stopped by the Kentwood Cycle to buy a handle bar bag to carry some tire changing gear.

I packed for tomorrow's trip. I am only taking a backpack. I also put the handle bar bag on my road bike. Missy called this afternoon and wanted to know when I would arrive. I said between 1300 and 1400.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I went to Brann's on Kraft Ave. We both had a salad. We both enjoyed our salad. It has been awhile since we had been to Brann's. Nancy did not like the smoke. The new non smoking law makes dining more pleasurable. I finished the GRP, watched part of House and then headed upstairs to complete this blog. It is very hot and humid outside. Our gage shows 85 degrees at 2100. We might have to turn on the AC.

Thursday June 10, 2010

Today was another 0700 morning. After the morning routine I got on the AT and headed to the MAC. I was a beautiful and once again I ran outside. At the Kava House I got out my new Kindle and ordered the DFP and WSJ. Amazon was having network problems so I had to read my book.

Since I did not read the papers this morning I got home from the Kava House an hour earlier than normal. I checked the weather report and found that it is suppose to rain tomorrow. I had planned on cutting the grass on Friday so I decided to do it today. Before the grass cutting I got in the C2 and took my damaged Kindle to the UPS store in Gaslight Village for shipment back to Amazon.

I spent the rest of the afternoon cutting and trimming the grass. I was done by 1700. After a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We ate outside on their deck. Tonight they had a singer. It was very pleasant. This evening we read the paper and watched a rerun of CSI, LV. We head for bed at 2100.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday June 9, 2010

Wednesday, my easy day, and I slept in until 0645 this morning. I drove the C2 to Bill's for their weekday special. Mine included 2 eggs, 2 sausages, hash browns and toast all for $3.50. It was great. I took my broken Kindle and tried to read the DFP and WSJ. I was missing the top three lines so I had to kind of guess. However, I got the major points in the articles. After breakfast I got in the C2 and drove to the Museum to get tickets for the July 4th fireworks. The Museum has the best seats in town.

Today's GRBA meeting was canceled so I planned a big bike trip. It stopped raining late last night and the weather report said today would be sunny and warm. I loaded up the AT and headed for Holland State Park. I purchased a season ticket for all state parks. With my senior discount it cost me $6. Now that is cheap folks. I was surprised at how busy the park was. Water temperature was 54 but there were a lot of folks walking the beach. It was cool when I started, about 62. I pedaled around the park and then headed for Lakeshore Drive. I pedaled north on Lakeshore to Pt Sheldon Road. I spent 2h45' in the saddle and rode 28 miles. It was a beautiful day for a ride and the temperature when I returned to Holland State Park was in the high 70s. Missy and I plan on riding either 25 of 50 miles on Sunday, weather permitting. After today I know I can make 25 miles.

I did not get home until almost 1700. Nancy had not returned from working at the Gardens. I took a quick shower. Nancy has book club tonight so I decided to eat at the Derby Pub in Gaslight Village. I had a hamburger and a beer. It was good. Maybe I can convince Nancy to try this place.

Talk about quick service! I dropped my Kindle yesterday and UPS delivered me a new one this afternoon. The new Kindle has all the books I have purchased. I am very impressed with Amazon.

Nancy got home at 2030. I was thinking of ordering the USA books by John Dos Passos. I got on Nancy's iMax and immediately Debbie Skyped us. We had a nice talk with Debbie. It was 1830 in Cupertino and Debbie was still working. It is now 2147 in GR and I am heading to bed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday June 8, 2010

Good grief I slept in until almost 0700 this morning. I am now back at 100% for my exercise routine. However, on May 16 I weighted 160# and today I weighted 167#. I have to change the diet. I planned going kayaking this afternoon. I got to the Kava House and started reading the DFP when I thought the light would be better in the old smoking room. So I picked up my things and headed to the room. As I was setting my coffee down I dropped my Kindle. Yes folks I dropped the Kindle. I got a display but I could not read the top 3 lines. I finished my coffee and headed home with tears in my eyes.

The first thing I did when I got home was contact Amazon. They had a neat way of phoning them, and I got in within 90 seconds. Boy was I lucky my Kindle was still under warranty and they are sending me a new one. As soon as I receive my new Kindle I must mail the old one back.

After lunch it started to rain so the kayak trip was off. Instead Nancy and I went to Meijer's to pick up my prescription and then to Costco. We bought a chicken for dinner tonight. It was still raining when I got home so I did what came naturally and took a nap.

For dinner tonight we had the Costco chicken, a baked potato and corn on the cob. I had a glass of wine after dinner. I read the GRP and then watched a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 Nancy and I headed to bed. It is still raining outside and the temperature is in the low 50s.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday June 7, 2010

I get up at 0635. My first order of business is to take my fiber and water and warm up Nancy's coffee. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. I perform my at home routine without a hitch, eat breakfast and then get on the AT and head for the MAC. Despite the bright sunshine it is still in the high 50s so I have to put a jacket on. Monday is my busiest day at the MAC. I do my normal pull ups and other exercises and of course my run. I ran outside today. After the run on Mondays and Thursdays I also do dead lifts using a 110# bar. I do three sets of five. After the exercises on Monday I shave my head and face. I did not leave the MAC until 1100.

At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. It will be interesting to see what the ramification of the oil spill will be in 6 months. Will it influence elections and the pending energy legislation? Stay tuned.

I got home at 1300 and had a quick lunch. Nancy and I finished filling out our Russian visa forms. I wrote the check and headed to the post office. This afternoon I had an eye doctor appointment. I have been having problems with my left eye. This is my shingles eye. The doctor thinks the problems stems from a skin condition that starts with r (roseola?). He gave me some eye drops and a prescription for some pills. After a month he will evaluate my progress.

I got home in time to talk to Nancy before she goes to the Gardens. She is still working Monday evenings. I get back in the C2 and head for Meijer's on 28th Street (third world) to get my prescription filled. I finished my outside activities by taking a 30 minute walk.

I had cereal for dinner tonight. After dinner I watched the news until 1900 and CNBC until 2000. Nancy got home about 2000. At 2000 I headed upstairs to start my blog. Missy sent me an article on Bernie Madoff so I spent time ready this article. Bernie is a piece of work. It is now 2110 and we are all heading to bed. It was a beautiful spring day.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday June 6, 2010

Today is D-day. I knew several men who participated in this operation. Unfortunately most of them are dead. There is a gentleman at the MAC who made the landing. Most of the participants in D day are now in their 80s.

I set the alarm for 0646 and got right up. Ms P had an urgent need to do her bidness. Ms P got herself in some serious trouble this morning. She got in the waste paper basket in the bathroom and spread the contents all around the upstairs. She was seriously reprimanded.

For the first time in about a month Nancy and I swam 1,500 yards. My time for the 1500 was 43'03". After the MAC we head for Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $2.74 per gallon. I also returned all our bottles for refund. Nancy bought a lot of fruit. Fruit is good.

Of course for breakfast we had Nancy's world famous poached eggs on English muffins. I read several sections of the paper and then took a nap. After the nap I got out the road bike and went on a 10 mile ride. I talked to Missy today and she and AJ are also training for next Sundays big ride.

We are having hot dogs, baked beans and corn on the cob for dinner. In fact I am heading downstairs now and will finish the blog later.

The dinner was great. We watched the news and then received a skype from the Scott Team. Nancy and I watched the hockey game and the basketball game. My favorites the Blackhawks and Celtics were leading. It is now 2121 and we are heading to bed.

Saturday June 5, 2010

Saturday morning and I get up at 0646. I get on my AT and pedal to Bill's for pancake and eggs. When I get home I load Ms P in the C2 and we head for Grand Rapids Bicycle Company to pick up my road bike. I tried out the new grips on the handle bars and they work great. They should cut down on arm fatigue on the upcoming ride in OH.

Nancy got home from the MAC about the same time as Ms P and I did. We have to get smaller photos for our visas for Russia. We go to Walgreens to get the photos. After much discussion we finally get them to take our pictures. We will have to trim the photos to meet the Russian requirements.

I load the kayak on the C2 and head for Riverside Park. This is the first time this year I have put in at Riverside. I paddle down to the Sixth Street Bridge. I spent 2 hours on the water and it was great. After my shower Nancy and I completed our visa applications. They asked a lot of questions. I almost think the Russians are paying us back for some slight. However, we did complete the forms and will mail them Monday.

For dinner Nancy and I ate at Olga's Kitchen in Gaslight Village. The service was quite poor. We watched the Bourne Identity on TV. It was a nice yarn.

Friday June 4, 2010

Today is going to be a busy day. I get up at 0626 and Nancy informs me that a large rain storm will be arriving about noon. I whine because today I am going to cut the grass. I forego using the Concept 2 this morning and go 75% at the MAC which included a 1.5 mile run. I drove to the MAC and as soon as I got home I got out the lawn mower. The grass was still wet because the sprinklers went off about 0230 last night. I started anyway and at 1215 I had completed mowing, edging, trimming and blowing the lawn. I took 2.5 hours a record time.

Today they had a retirement party for Carol Masten at the MAC. Nancy had gone earlier and I arrived at 1230. Carol had worked 24 years at the MAC. She was manager for the last five years. The party was well attended. Carol's son and Steve were high school classmates. I hope she enjoys her retirement.

After the party I returned home and was going to work on the computer for awhile. Instead my phone rang and The GR Bicycle Store called and said my handle grip had arrived. So I loaded the bike on the C2 and along with Ms P headed for the store. The work will be done tomorrow. I am getting the road bike ready for the big bike ride next week in Ohio. Missy and I rode the 50 mile ride last year and it was great. This year we might only ride 25 miles because Missy will have AJ in tow.

When I got home I took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to dinner with the Namey's. We are going to the Sundance Grill. After dinner we are returning to our house for dessert. I forgot to mention yesterday that we took delivery on our three upholstered chairs. They look great and we get to show them off tonight.

For our after dinner snack Nancy made some cookies and she also fixed ice cream with strawberries. It was a great evening.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday June 3, 2010

I did not get up until 0715 this morning. I am still gradually getting back to my full blown exercise routine. This morning I performed at 67%. After the MAC I spent some time at the Kava House. The folks in Detroit are really steamed at the bad call at last night's baseball game. The pitcher was denied a perfect game by an incorrect call by the umpire. Everyone is still playing the blame game regarding the BP oil spill. I think the spill was an unfortunate accident. Resource extraction is a high risk business and nothing is fail safe. I don't like the President's policies but he should not be blamed for this accident. Everyone appears to be doing his best to solve the problem. In my career I have had projects that turn sour and it appears that everything we do make the problem worse. The only way to get through these difficult projects is to put your head down and bull your way through.

After lunch I put the kayak rack on the car and headed for Reeds Lake. I still have not mastered loading and unloading the kayak. It is not that heavy but its length makes it very awkward. I have scratched the paint in several locations. It was a perfect day for a paddle. Because of the early spring the baby geese, goslings, are quite well developed. How come baby geese are not geeslings? Being a weekday there were no jet skis on the lake. I have seen a billion bluebird houses along lakes and streams in MI but until today have never seen a bluebird living in a house. I remembered, after the bluebird flew away, that I have a camera in my phone. I could have gotten a great picture. Maybe next time.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside on the deck. It was very pleasant. It is now 2102 and I am heading to bed. I am still not over my cold and I have to cut the grass tomorrow. I swear the grass grows an inch a day. I check the weather in Cupertino, Cleveland, Long Beach and GR every day on my itouch. Lately it has always been warmer in Cleveland and GR than CA.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday June 2, 2010

We had thunder showers roll through last night (Wednesday). Ms P went bonkers. We don't know how to settle her down. This morning Nancy asked some folks at the MAC and they said this problem is common. They recommended doggy Prozac (sp?). Nancy's response was why didn't she just take one it was probably cheaper.

I had Breakfast Club this morning so I got up at 0646. I took Ms P out but it was still thundering so she did not want to do her bidness. I got dressed and headed downtown. This morning's program was presented by a member who is a PGA certified pro. He called his talk, spring training for summer golf. I left early because I had a 0900 Doctor's appointment. Today is my annual physical. All my blood work came back normal. My cholesterol for the first time in several years was at 200. The Doctor said this was ok and I did not need to take any pills. My HDL was 49 and this was the number he said was good.

Despite my big breakfast I had a normal weekday lunch, peanut butter on bread, hardboiled egg, cheese and an apple. After lunch I completed several blogs. The sun came out so I decided to go on a bike ride. I put on sun lotion and got out the AT. I parked at the Kava House so I could mail a package for the Scott Team. As I was heading back to the Kava House the rain started again. And did it rain. So I bought a chocolate chip cookie and waited out the storm. The rain stopped in 30 minutes and I resumed my bike ride. I rode around Reeds Lake two times. It took me about 75 minutes.

Tonight was cereal night and both Nancy and I had a bowl. I watched the evening news, read the paper and started watching a Harrison Ford movie on Encore. After about 45 minutes Nancy and I shut off the TV and headed to bed. Missy called tonight and she helped Nancy write any invitation for a Father's Day Brunch at our house. Computer literacy is great.

Tuesday June 1, 2010

Tuesday the first of June. June is my favorite month of the year. I got up at 0700 and performed my at home exercises at 50%. I pedal to the MAC and again perform my normal Tuesday routine at 50%. After the MAC I pedal to the Kava House for my morning coffee and a chance to read the DFP and WSJ on my Kindle. Except for reporting on the spill in the Gulf and the Israeli raid the newspapers were pretty boring.

When I got home I have a quick lunch. This afternoon Nancy, Ms P and I have a bunch of errands to run. Our first stop was Macy's where Nancy needed to look at some sale items. Our next stop was Pet Smart to get Ms P some dog food. She went inside with us. Our third stop was Home Depot where we looked at cushions. The fourth stop was Costco and finally the last stop was Target. It was very hot so we left the sun roof open and poured some water for Ms P when we left her in the car.

I got out my road bike for the first time this year. I pedaled over to the Ada Bike Store on Fulton to see about getting an attachment for the bike. Their service was not stellar so I decided to take my business elsewhere. I finished the afternoon with a 10 mile bike ride.

Nancy grilled some hamburgers for dinner. We also had corn on the cob. At 1900 I went upstairs and started catching up on my blogs. I finished three. I hope to be caught up this evening, Wednesday June 2.

Monday May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Monday: Nancy and I get up with the alarm at 0646. We are heading to the MAC which opens at 0800. We both pile into the Taurus and make it in time for the opening. Nancy takes a body pump class and do some exercises and run a mile. After our shower we head for the Brandywine and a big breakfast. The Brandywine is jammed and we have to wait for a table. The food was great.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing. I took a nap and a 30 minute walk. Nancy was scheduled to work Monday Evening at the Gardens but they called and told her that she was not needed. We had a dinner of cereal. The warm weather continues.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunday May 30, 2010

Sunday morning and we get up at 0646. We head for the MAC and our swim. This morning we decided to swim 30 minutes and not our usual 45 (1,000 yard vs 1,500 yards). After our swim we head for Meijer's to stock up on groceries. I also fill the Taurus up. Gas was $2.65 per gallon. We had our normal Sunday breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs.

Today instead of taking a nap we loaded Ms P in the car and headed for Ottawa County. We stopped at several nurseries' and Nancy bought four hanging baskets and several perennials. It was another warm sunny day. We have been making this trip to Ottawa County for about the last six years. It is our start of summer flower trip.

We spent a quiet evening at home. Nancy cooked a steak on the grill. Did you know that until 1971 this day, May 30, was known as Decoration Day and was a national Holiday? Congress in 1971 wanted a three day weekend to start the summer season so they changed Decoration Day to Memorial Day and made it the last Monday in May.

Saturday May 29, 2010

Saturday morning and I get up at 0630. I ride my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs. After breakfast, I get in the C2 stop at Rylee's to see if they had an electric lawn edger. They did not. My next stop was Home Depot. They had an edger and I purchased it. After I got home I plugged in the edger and edged the entire lawn. Since the lawn had not been given a good edge treatment in awhile a lot of dirt was thrown onto the sidewalks and drive. I had to broom it up and put in yard waste bags. After the edging I got out the weed trimmer and trimmed around the trees and close to the garage and back yard wall. I then got out the blower and blew all the loose grass back onto the lawn. I was having fun with my new toys. My final job was to finish cutting the back and side yards. The yard work took 4 hours. After all the hard work I took a shower and short nap.

We had dinner at Russ' and I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy and Nancy had a salad. After the meal we decided that to celebrate the holiday we would go to the ice cream store on Michigan and get a cone. I got a medium and Nancy got a small. It tasted great just like it should on a hot spring evening.

Friday May 28, 2010