Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday April 30, 2010

2155: I had set my cell phone alarm to go off at 0700. However, I heard Helen and Don up and moving around so I got up at 0630. Don was really glad to be home because the first thing he did was to drive his truck around the farm to make sure everything had wintered over ok. He said there were no problems.

After a quick breakfast Helen and I got in the Taurus and headed for Alpena and our Aunt Ruth's funeral. Aunt Ruth was 96. The funeral was held in St Ann's new parish building. Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jim had five girls. All her grandchildren and great grandchildren were in attendance. It was nice to see all my cousins and their families. The oldest girl, Joan, who is single and lives in Rhode Island was the only daughter not in attendance. It was a nice funeral and I am always impressed with the Catholic rituals. Of course as requested by my Aunt the church ladies provided lunch. We had chicken, ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, vegetables, and of course cherry pie and brownies. It was a great meal.

Helen and I had the opportunity to talk to our first cousin, once removed. She was in attendance because in the past year she has become a nun and is presently working with the catholic church in Alpena.

When Helen and I got back to Gaylord I said a quick goodbye and headed to GR. I got home at 1800 and the girls were waiting for me. We had dinner at El Arriero. It was very good and reasonable. It is now 2214 and everyone is sound asleep. Missy and Akerke are leaving late tomorrow afternoon. Nancy has a full day scheduled.

Thursday April 29, 2010

2140 on the 30th: Thursday is a travel day so I performed my morning routine at 75%. I did not ride my bike. I did read the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. The DFP had several articles on the former Risk Manager for the Detroit Public Schools stealing $3.5 million from the district. It just keeps coming.

This afternoon I had a Building Code Appeals Board meeting. The meeting started at 1530 and lasted about 15 minutes. When I got home Missy and Akerke had just arrived from Ohio. Nancy was at the airport picking up Helen and Don who were arriving from AZ. While we were waiting I got the stroller and showed Missy and Akerke the new school being constructed at the site of the old OHHS. It is scheduled to be open this fall.
When Nancy got home from the airport, Helen and Don spent several minutes getting acquainted with Akerke. After several photos and hugs Helen and Don got in the Taurus and I drove them to Gaylord. It was a pleasant drive . Gaylord is about 2 weeks behind GR as far as flower and leaf development go. I was kind of disappointed because we did not see any deer.

My niece Jennifer had spent some time getting the house ready and had even put some beer in the frig for Uncle Bob. We sat around and talked a bit and then I headed for bed.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday April 28, 2010

2051: I love Wednesday, it is my easy day. Today I got up at 0700 and decided that I would eat at Bill's. I got in the C2 and drove to Bill's. I had the weekday special. It consists of 2 eggs, 3 link sausages, toast and hash browns for $3.75. A real bargain. We had freeze warnings last night but I think our low was only 35. It was a bright clear day so I decided to go kayaking. I loaded up the kayak on its new rack. My first attempt at loading was a complete bust and I scratched the car. My second attempt was successful and really easy. Why does it take two attempts? I got the kayak secured but decided I needed better bungee cords. I stopped by Rylee's and bought two new chords. They worked great.

Today I put in at the Fulton Street/Amway ramp. I paddled up the Grand River until I got to the Thornapple River and paddled the Thornapple until I got to the dam. I then returned to the Grand and spent the next half hour paddling up the Grand. It was a great day for a paddle. I think I saw a zillion turtles. They were all soaking up sun. This was my first time on the water this year so I limited my time to 2 hours.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. I then took a 30 minute walk. I also packed for my trip to Gaylord tomorrow and to Alpena on Friday. Nancy worked at the Garden this afternoon. We had cereal for dinner tonight. I watched the news and then read the newspaper while listening to tunes on my new itouch. Missy and AJ are coming tomorrow. I have a Building Code meeting at 1530. Nancy will pick up Helen and Don at the airport. I hope to leave for Gaylord before 1700.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday April 27, 2010

1741: Got up at 0640. We are having a cold spell and it was in the 30s this morning. I layered up for my ride to the MAC. I was cold on my ride but I passed several teenagers who were only wearing a T shirt. I talked to a young man at the MAC who is a dispatcher for a regional trucking company. I asked how business was and he said it is picking up and they have called back drivers who have been laid off for over 18 months. It is good to hear some good news.

I did get some bad news this morning. I was checking the Alpena News on my itouch and found out that my Aunt Ruth had passed away. She was 96. I called Helen in AZ and told her. She and Don are coming in to GR on Thursday and had planned on staying overnight at our house and on Friday on would drive them home for the summer. Instead we are leaving for Gaylord on Thursday so Helen and I can attend the funeral on Friday.

I did not get to the Kava House until 1130. I read both the DFP and WSJ and it took me 1.5 hours. I should take a speed reading class. The WSJ had an article on sunburn and skin cancer. After reading the article it appears I am a poster boy for skin cancer. It was kind of scary.

After lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to Gazelle Sports and then the Apple Store. I bought a standard electrical plug with a USB attachment. When I got home I took a 3 mile walk. Nancy is attending a gardening class at the Gardens tonight. I get to watch NCIS alone. The temperature is now 59 degrees with clear blue sky. However, it was very windy all day. Maybe tomorrow I can go kayaking.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday April 26, 2010

2116: Ms P got me up at 0555 and I stayed up. My morning routine went smoothly. Today was a beautiful sunny day. The temperatures were in the low 40s this morning but by noon had reached 60. It was, however, very windy. In one week Michigan's smoking ban will take effect and I will be able to sit in the bright smoking room at the Kava House. The gal in charge most mornings is about 5' tall and 100# but she said she will enforce the smoking ban. This morning I read both the DFP and WSJ. I was disappointed in today's WSJ because they had a large section on what was happening in the NYC area. I really don't want to know.

After lunch Ms P and I drove to the bank and I complained that when I view my account online my full card # is shown. The manager called 53rd's credit card company and they said that they show the entire number until the transaction is closed and then they only show the last 4 digits. I voiced my complaint that the full number should never be shown.

Monday is lawn cutting day. I started at 1430 and finished 3.0 hours later. After dinner tonight I started watching Hardball but Nancy said I slept through the entire show. I spent the next hour reading the GRP and listening to tunes on my itouch. Tomorrow if the wind subsides I will go kayaking. Missy and AJ are coming Wednesday and Helen and Don are coming on Thursday. On Friday I will drive the Crandall's to Gaylord.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday April 25, 2010

1617: We had a light rain most of the night. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 it was still raining. We got up with the alarm at 0646. Today is our swim day. Both Nancy and I swam 1500 yards. Of course after our swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I filled the Taurus up. Gas was $2.89 per gallon. Also took bottles back for the refund. Since I quit drinking beer at home our bottle count has gone way down. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs on toast for breakfast.

After breakfast I took a short nap. I then ran several errands with Ms P. I dropped off a bottle of lotion at the MAC. I also bought a set of earphones at Best Buy. As I write this blog I am listening to Emily Lou Harris on my itouch. I did get my tunes on both my itouch and media center. Now all I have to figure out is how to get my email list to the itouch. I am sure there is a way.

Tonight I am going to watch episode seven of the HBO mini-series Pacific. As I have mentioned earlier I would only rate this series a 2.8. The temperature has dropped all day. It is now 49 degrees with wind speeds of about 15 mph. I still have to get my 30 in today so as soon as I finish this blog I will go on a 30 minute walk. Nancy is fixing soup and a chicken dish for dinner. It looks good. After dinner I plan on finish reading the GRP and then watching 60 minutes. Of course at 2100 I will watch Pacific.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday April 24, 2010

1921: We all slept in until 0700 this morning. It was raining this morning so I drove to Bill's for breakfast. After breakfast I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to Meijer's so I could pick up a prescription. We came home and I started playing with the itouch. I was moving along when Nancy asked if I wanted to go to Horricks. We drove to Horrick and bought 4 bottle of wine. We also stopped at Family Foods and then Meijer's so Nancy could take advantage of some sales.

This afternoon it continued to rain so I played some more with my itouch. I got an account established but I will have to reload itunes on the PC because I cannot get it to open. I have been able to download all the albums I had on Windows Media Center. I have 650 tunes on my itouch. I tried to get my contacts list transferred but so far no luck. This evening Nancy and I saw the movie "It's Complicated". It was a chick flick so Nancy owes me. We had dinner at Russ' and I had the hot turkey sandwich and Nancy was smart and had a soup and salad.

I have given up on the itunes on my PC for now and will head downstairs and read the paper and have a glass of wine. I did not get my 30 in today.

2136: I read the paper and started playing with the itouch. Next thing I knew I had downloaded Merle Haggard's latest CD. It is a lot cheaper than if I had purchased a CD. I listened with the ear buds provided with the itouch. I need to purchase the old fashion ear muff type ear phones.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday April 23, 2010

1700: I took Ms P out at 0555 and quickly went back to bed. I slept until 0700. After my at home routine was completed I called my computer guy to determine what password to use for my new itouch. He told me the password to use. I had tried it last night and it didn't work. I assume that I made an entry mistake and when I put it in this morning it worked. I read my email on the itouch at home, the MAC and the Kava House. I even used map quest. It is going to be a great addition to my electronic collection.

At the Kava House I read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had new revelations about folks stealing from the Detroit pension funds. One of the culprits played for the Lions as did his father Mel Farr. Speaking of the Lions their first draft choice has a civil engineering degree.

While at the Kava House I checked the weather on my itouch. It was going to be too windy to go kayaking. After lunch Ms P and I ran some errands. First we stopped at Robbins Lock Shop and got a key for the C2 made. Next we stopped at Hitches by George and found out the save carrying capacity for my hitch. My new kayak rack and the kayak are below the safe carrying capacity. Next we stopped at Meijer's to get a prescription filled and purchase light bulbs. Finally we stopped at the Apple Store in Woodland Mall to get a cover for the itouch.

When we got home I was going to take Ms P and a walk but she refused to leave. So I took a 20 minute walk. For dinner Nancy took me to the Green Well on Cherry Street. The place was jammed and for the first time in a long time we were not the youngest people. The food was good. We watched TV until 2100. Missy and AJ Skyped us tonight. We had a nice conversation. It is suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow so I have not made up my mind what I am going to do. I will sleep on it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday April 22, 2010

1647: Ms P had an emergency at 0500 so I took her out. I then went back to bed and slept until 0643. The first thing Nancy said was "Happy Birthday". Yes folks little Bobby Scott is 72. As I was rowing this morning I was thinking about some birthdays past. The following are some memories:

• My 70th birthday and the surprise party was great. It left me with a lot of great memories.
• I had to work on my 34th birthday in 1972. It was a Saturday and very cold and windy. All day all I could think about was having birthday dinner at Savory Street with Nancy and the girls.
• I do remember my 40th birthday and the big sign. I over reacted and want to apologize to everyone for my bad behavior.
• I wish I could forget my 21th birthday. I do remember standing on top of a table at the Pretzel Bell in Ann Arbor and chugging a pitcher of beer. Another reason to send your kids away to school.
• My parents made a big deal of turning 13. For my present we went on a family outing as soon as school was out. We travelled through Canada and visited Niagara Falls. We drove to Cleveland and Dad and I went to an Indians night game. The next day we visited the Detroit Zoo and we also saw a Detroit Tigers game. I saw Yogi Berra hit a home run. This was the first time I had been out of the State of Michigan.
• I had a big birthday party on my 10th birthday. I invited a lot of classmates (boys only) and we had dinner and then went to a Walt Disney movie followed by ice cream and cake. This was the year of the Schwinn bike.

Today was another nice sunny day. It was a little cool but 59 degrees is fine with me. I have been running outside every day and it is really nice. After the Kava House I ate a quick lunch and then started to play with the itouch that Nancy got me. She had it engraved. I was going to go kayaking but I had to buy some hardware for the new rack. I visited Rylee's Hardware and bought the hardware. I would purchase a piece of hardware walk out to the car and see if it would fit. It took me two tries to get it right.

After the hardware store I took a 30 minute walk. Nancy had a root canal today so we are going to Great Lakes Shipping where she can get a bowl of soup. I talked to my sister and Debbie and Missy. Veronica called and left a message but we have not yet reconnected.

2104: I had a French dip for dinner and Nancy had a bowl of soup. We saw our old neighbor Tom Pritz at Great Lakes Shipping tonight. He will be 86 on April 26. He looks great.

I talked to the Scott Team tonight. Lucas sang happy birthday. It was a great birthday.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday April 21, 2010

1709: Today is Breakfast Club day so I set the alarm for 0555. Today's speaker was the PR man from the West Michigan Whitecaps, a minor league class A baseball team. The talk was very interesting and it was good the hear that the team has made a profit each and every year. The meeting was well attended.

After Breakfast Club, I loaded the AT bike on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park. I rode the bike to Rockford. In Rockford I stopped at a coffee shop and read the DFP on my Kindle. It was a great day for a bike ride. I was surprised by the number of women pushing their babies. They all had the fancy 3 wheel strollers. Except for the women with strollers the White Pine Trail was not very busy.

I got a call telling me that my kayak rack was ready for pickup. So when I got home I loaded up Ms P and drove to the welding shop to pick up the rack.

Ms P seemed kind of hyper so when we got home I walked her around the block. I was also hyper so I walked to Gas Light Village to mail a letter. Nancy just got home from the Gardens. She is also going to the Gardens tonight to help with orientation. I will stay home and watch some TV.

April 21 is my cousin Betty's birthday. She is a year and a day older than me. I remember when I was in high school I wanted to call a cute girl in my English class so I waited until the family was gone so no one would know. In 1954 we did not have direct dialing. Instead you gave your number to an operator. I tried several times to reach this young lady with no luck. Finally on about the fourth try the operator came on the line and said "she is not home Bobby". The operator was cousin Betty. My face turned bright red and was probably bright enough to light up a room. I was mortified that she would tell all the family members that I was trying to talk to a girl. Betty being a good sport did not tell anyone. So Happy Birthday Betty.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday April 20, 2010

1707: All the yard work yesterday must have wiped me out because I reluctantly got out of bed at 0700. It was another nice day. I followed my normal morning routine. The DFP today had several articles on the ex mayor of Detroit. It appears his honor had a charitable trust and $220,000 is not accounted for. Also past annual reports had shown that the trust did not pay rent when it was located in the Renaissance Center in downtown. Once the trust moved to the home of the sister of the mayor the rent jumped to $44,000. The DFP has been like a bull dog in uncovering all these shenanigans.

I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch Ms P and I delivered the OHNA newsletter to our block. After this chore Ms P and I headed to Bill and Paul's so I could purchase a tie down strap for my new kayak rack. We then headed to Eddie Bauer so I could purchase a summer hat with a big rim. Ms P and I then headed home and for my last chore I took Nancy's car to be washed. I ended the afternoon with a 30 minute walk.

Nancy has an OHNA Board meeting tonight. She probably will not be home in time to watch NCIS. I am heading to bed right after NCIS because tomorrow I have to get up at 0545 to attend Breakfast Club.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday April 19, 2010

2059: I bolt awake at 0533 and realize that I had not made the coffee. I jump out of bed and head downstairs to remedy this situation. I hop back in bed and sleep until 0645. As I have said many times Monday morning is my busiest. I not only do my normal routine but I perform dead lifts, which I despise, and take the time to shave my head. I left the MAC at 1115 for the Kava House. It did not freeze last night but it came close. However, with the sun shining bright, it was about 60 when I left the MAC for the Kava House. The DFP had several articles on solving the school problems in Detroit and the WSJ had articles on the Goldman Sach problem. I took some time to read an article on China making inroads in Venezuela. The Chinese needs all the oil it can get. I was also interested in Ecuador trying to nationalize their oil industry.

I had a quick lunch and then walked Ms P around the block. I thought it would tire her out so she would not be barking when I shut her in the house while I cut the grass. It didn't work. About every 30 minutes I had to let her out so she could see what was going on. I wore my GPS when I cut the grass today. According to the GPS I walked 2.47 miles and it took 3h02' to complete the yard work, which included cutting, edging and blowing the loose grass. The yard looks great if I say so myself.

After the yard work I took a quick shower and then had dinner. I fell asleep during the national news and slept for about an hour. I finished the GRP and then watched House. This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I hope tomorrow the welder calls and tells me the kayak rack is complete. We have had a string of beautiful days and I want to spend some time on the water.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday April 18, 2010

2025: Nancy and I just walked in from a pleasant evening at the Namy's. It was a birthday party for Ed Namy. Ed turned 72 today. Also at the party were Tom and Pat Dancy and Tim Mast. A good time was had by all. The highlight of the evening was Mary's homemade chocolate rum cake. It was super.

Our day started at 0646 with the alarm telling us to get up and get moving. Following our normal Sunday morning routine we each swam 1500 yards. After the swim we headed to Meijer's to get our weekly supplies. We got home about 1100 and Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took a short nap after breakfast. Today was a bright sunny day. The temperature at 0800 was near freezing but when I got up from my nap it was 55. I walked Ms P around the block and then walked 30 minutes. I have to get my 30 in each day. We left for the Namy's at 1530.

I will watch Pacific at 2100 and then head right to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. Each Monday until late October I will cut the grass. Nancy and I also have to deliver the OHNA newsletter tomorrow afternoon.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday April 17, 2010

1927: Nancy no longer has her early Saturday morning class at the MAC so we all slept in today. It was cold and windy this morning with wind chill in the 20s. At 0730 I bundled up and walked to Bill's for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs. After breakfast I put together a shoe rack for our back door. After our sprinkler system was turned on we noticed a leaking valve. The irrigation company sent over a repair man today and he fixed our leak.

When Nancy got home from the MAC we load Ms P in the Taurus and headed for Pet Smart for some medicine for Ms P. Pet Smart allows dogs in their store. In fact they encourage it. Ms P was not happy because all the dogs in the store were big, very big. After Pet Smart we headed to Costco. We bought some cookies and wine for Ed Namy's birthday party tomorrow.

Today is Alessandra's first birthday today. We called Long Beach and wished Alessandra happy birthday. Debbie, Lucas and Steve were making birthday cup cakes for the birthday girl. Today is also my Dad's 104th birthday. He was born in Virginia, MN in 1906. The Scott Team carries on.

I pedaled the AT around Reeds Lake two times this afternoon. Bucking the wind was hard work. After the ride I took a short nap. For dinner tonight we ate at the Brandywine. I had a club sandwich and Nancy had the ham-d-scram. We brought Ms P a doggy bag.

2150: I got the clicky tonight. I watched movies on Encore and HBO. We both had a glass of wine and Nancy read a book while I watched parts of movies. I just took Ms P out and the sky was very clear with a bright crescent moon and many stars.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday April 16, 2010

1630: Once again I got up at 0610. I followed my normal routine without a hitch. It was 60 when I left for the MAC. The temperature has been falling all day. We are also having some high winds. Frost is predicted for tomorrow morning. Today's DFP had several articles on the Detroit Schools. On average less than 25% of high school students are meeting expectations for their grade level. It is really grim. The WSJ on the other hand was predicting better economic times are ahead. They also continue to hammer the Dems for their reckless spending. I have been reading the WSJ daily for the past 3 months and I still don't know what a credit default swap or derivative is? I do know that gas has gone back up to $2.95 per gallon. It was $2.71 in Sparta yesterday.

After a quick lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to Rockford. Our first stop was Power Outdoors to see if they had any solo canoes. They did not. Our next stop was the Hush Puppy Outlet. I like my lined slide-on so much that I bought an unlined pair. This evening Nancy and I will have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping and then we will go to Woodland Mall.

2118: Great Lakes Shipping was very crowded tonight. Last night their deck was full. Tonight the deck was closed because it was so cold. Both Nancy and I had the prime rib sandwich. After dinner we headed to the Mall. The mall was not crowded.

Tonight I watched the old movie with O. J. Simpson. It was called Police Squad. Missy skyped us tonight. Skype is a good way to communicate. Tomorrow, April 17, is Alessandra's first birthday. It is also my Dad's birthday. Dad was born in 1906.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15, 2010

1753: Ms P got me up at 0610. Today the temperature is suppose to get to 80 and then tonight it will drop rapidly. It is difficult to know how to dress for my bike ride to the MAC. The temperature was in the 40s when I left for the MAC and in the 60s when I left the MAC. In fact I got so warm riding to the Kava House that I had to stop the bike and remove my jacket. I read the DFP and a portion of the WSJ. The DFP actively reports on the problems in the Detroit School System. They seem to have given Mayor Bing a pass while he tries to get the city's house in order.

I had a quick lunch and then headed for the office. Eric Rickert wanted to talk about deck and box beam cracking in Midland County. I gave my opinion for what it is worth. After my meeting with Eric Rickert I headed to the Amway Grand Plaza. I attended the UM's Board of Regents meeting. The meeting was like all public board meetings, boring unless you had an item on the agenda. I did learn that UM is not immune to money problems. The meeting was over at 1600 and then they held a reception at the JW Marriot hotel. I attended because who can turn down free beer and food. I left a little after 1700.

Nancy also attended a wine and cheese party so we will stay home this evening. Nancy said she enjoyed the wine and cheese party.

2111: Nancy fixed me a bowl of soup for dinner. We also split an orange. It seems that every night we split an orange. Oranges are healthy.

We watched the news and between 1900 and 2000 I dozed and watched Chris Matthews. At 2000 we watched Bones and at 2100 we headed upstairs. The temperature is still in the 70s but is suppose to cool off later. They are expecting frost this weekend.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday April 14, 2010

1725: Wednesday is my easy day so I did not get up until 0700. My big decision was where would I have breakfast. I decided on oatmeal at the Omelet Shop. I hopped on the AT and headed to Breton Village. I was disappointed in the oatmeal, it was cold, and the coffee, it was cold also. Next time it is back to Bill's. After breakfast I looked in Fitzgerald's and saw a pair of pant that I liked. The pants were green so I could wear them to the green themed auction next month at Meijer Gardens.

At home after breakfast and I checked my email and read the agenda items for this afternoon's GRBA meeting. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a swim. I swam 1100 yards. After the swim I stopped at Fitzgerald's and bought the pants. I then headed downtown for the meeting. The meeting lasted a little over an hour.

I came home changed clothes and then loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed to a welding shop on Madison Ave south of 44th. The owner was able to understand my directions and I left all my material with him. I should have a completed kayak rack by Monday. After the welder, Ms P and I headed to Horrack's. I purchased two bottles of wine. The wine was Australian and cost $4 a bottle. I even think it has a cork. Liar! It does not have cork.

Tonight Nancy has book club. Tom is out of town so I will go to Olga's and have Peasant soup and a tuna sandwich.

2126: I walked over to Olga's for dinner. It has been a beautiful day. We had sunshine and temps in the 70's. I love spring. Nancy got home about 2000 from book club. She said it was a good meeting. At 2100 we headed to bed.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday April 13, 2010

1706: All the yard work yesterday made me very tired. I slept in until 0700. The Sprinkler man was scheduled between 0830 and 1000. He got here at 0800. It took about 15 minutes to get the system up and running. Before going to the MAC this morning I got all my summer shirts out and put the winter flannels away. I am convinced that spring is here. The MAC was empty this morning. I left the MAC for the Kava House at 1130 today. The Kava House was also empty today. On May 1 smoking is illegal in all eating establishments. I look forward to that day because the smoking room at the Kava House has a lot of windows making it much lighter than where I now sit.

I had a quick lunch. Nancy had a decorator stop by to give her some samples for the two chairs that are being upholstered. She has not made up her mind yet. I took Ms P and we headed out to run some errands. My first stop was Alro Steel where I was scheduled to pick up the steel tubing for my kayak rack. The folk at Alro were kind of embarrassed because they had given the order to another guy named Scott. They promised that they would cut my order and have it ready in 20 minutes. Ms P and I took this opportunity to look for All Phase Welding. They are going to weld the pieces together to make the rack. As promised the steel was ready when we stopped back.

After I got home I checked my email and then took a 30 minute walk. I have not mentioned in any previous blog that the Pritz (Ordway) house across the street is for sale. Nancy had a 1600 dentist appointment and then she was working at the Gardens this evening. She should be home by 2000 in time for NCIS.

2112: Nancy got home at 1955. I told her that Missy had called and told me I could give Ms P some pizza. Her call was too late I had already eaten all the pizza. Veronica called and told me that Alessandra had taken her first steps. She later sent a video of Alessandra walking. Nancy called Veronica back to say how great the video was.

When I get mad at Ms P I sometimes call her a trollop. Nancy said this is verbal abuse. I looked up trollop and I agree with Nancy. The word has been banished.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday April 12, 2010

1745: Monday morning and I get up at 0645. I took Ms P out at 0500. It was apparently an emergency. Today Nancy has a hospital board meeting so she is not going to the MAC. Before I head for the MAC I call Alro Steel and order the steel tubing for my kayak rack. I can pick it up tomorrow. The MAC was very crowded today. A lot of people returning from spring break needed to get back in a routine and lose some of the weight gain. Monday at the MAC is my busiest day. I did not leave until 1130. I did take the time at the Kava House to read both the DFP and WSJ.

After a quick lunch I get out the lawn mower, edger and blower. This is the first cutting of 2010. It took me 3.5 hours to complete. The grass does look great. Tomorrow morning the irrigation people come to turn on the sprinklers. Everything is starting about 3 weeks earlier this year. It was another nice day with the temperature near 60. Nancy had to work at Meijer Garden this afternoon. She got home about 1700.

Not much on TV tonight so I will head to bed early. Grass cutting can be tiring. We watched most of House and then headed to bed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday April 11, 2010

1646: The alarm went off at 0646 and everyone slowly got up. We had a gentle rain last night and it was still raining when we went to the MAC. The pool was not very busy today so we did not have to share a lane. After the 1500 yards we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and paid $2.92 for gas. The sun came out about 1000. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I took a short nap.

After my nap I loaded Ms P in the C2 and we headed to Lowe's to get a bag of mulch. When we got home it was so nice that I put the screens on. Nancy took the bag of mulch and spread it on the flower bed along the east side of the garage. We have now completed mulching all our flower areas. I think we are about 3 weeks ahead of last year as far as getting the house and yard ready for spring. After putting the screens on I took a 30 minute walk. On my walk I noted that a lot of folks spent the weekend spreading mulch. Tomorrow I cut the grass.

Nancy is fixing soup and sandwiches for dinner. Tonight I watch Pacific so I am completing this blog early today. Remember Spring is in!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday April 10, 2010

2144: No alarm was set this morning because the MAC is on spring break hours. I get up at 0700 and hop on the AT and head to Bill's for pancake and eggs. It was a nice day for a bike ride. After breakfast Ms P and I get in the C2 and head to Lowes to buy some string for my weed eater and also two bags of mulch. When we get back home I spend some time mounting a single kayak rack on top of the car. The other support will be provided by the soon to be made rack that attaches to the trailer hitch. In fact Nancy helped me load the kayak on the single cross rack so I could get some measurements for the rear rack.

Nancy and I spread nine bags of mulch, 27 cubic feet, on all the flower beds around the house. It took us about 90 minutes. Ms P spent most of the time watching us although one time she wandered off and our neighbor had to bring her back. I ended the afternoon outdoor activities with a 3 mile walk. I showered and took a short nap. At 1700 Nancy and I got ready for dinner. Tonight we had dinner with Ed and Mary Namy at Grand Rapids Brewing Company. After dinner we returned to our house for blueberry pie, ice cream and cookies. It was a good evening.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday April 9, 2010

1406: Last night I mentioned the first Sanborn family in the US. The head of this family was the Rev Stephen Bachiler. The Rev Stephen was a free spirit and was reprimanded by his church many times. The church was a branch of the Puritan Church of Plymouth, MA fame. The Rev Stephen left Southampton, England on March 9, 1632 and arrived in Boston on June 3, 1632. In the Rev's party was his wife, daughter Anne Sanborn and her three sons. Ann Bachiler Sanborn was born in 1600 in Hampshire, England. She married John Sanborn and had three sons, John, William and Stephen. Ann was a widow.

The Rev Stephen tried to start several churches in MA but as soon as they got started he was reprimanded by the mother church. He finally ended up in N.H. The town originally had an Indian name but the Rev Stephen soon got it changed to Hampton. Hampton is the nickname for Southampton, England. The Rev Stephen's wife died in NH and he soon took another wife at age 88. His new wife was found to be an adulterous woman and was whipped and made to wear a letter A on her clothes. Rev Stephen tried to divorce his new wife but the courts would not allow it because of his problems with the church. Rev Stephen threw in the towel and headed back to England. He died in England at the ripe old age of 100. His three grandsons remained in NH and started the Sanborn branch in the US.

The family tree is on I called the file Teamrhscott. The software says that family members can review the file. Maybe someone should try to open this file.

I got up at 0700 this morning. It was very cold, 33, but it did not freeze last night. I bundled up for my ride to the MAC. It is a cold but sunny day. I followed my normal routine, MAC/Kava House. After I finish this sentence I will head outside to spread some mulch and put part of my kayak rack on the C2. I will continue later.

2120: I put the kayak rack together and took all the boxes of family material downstairs. I moved four bags of mulch from the garage to the breezeway. I also added a bike bag to my AT.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. We had a coupon. I gave the food a 2.75 rating. After dinner we stopped at Staples so Nancy could purchase some string tags for the gift shop. We then headed to Macy's. I purchased a shirt and Nancy bought several pairs of pants. Our final stop was Lowe's. We purchased four bags of mulch. Not much on TV so at 2100 we headed upstairs.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday April 8, 2010

2119: I slept in until 0700 this morning. I think it is the weather causing my fatigue. It was 44 degrees at 0700 and the temperature continued to fall all day. It is suppose to freeze tonight. My morning routine went off without a hitch except I really had to bundle up for my bike ride. On my ride to the MAC I wore rain pants because the TV man said it would rain all day. My hands got cold even though I wore gloves.

At the Kava House I read both the DFP and WSJ. I am so tired of reading about Tiger Woods. Who cares? The DFP actually contained some feel good stories. They think the economy in Detroit has turned around. The WSJ reported that the price of natural gas is much cheaper than oil on a btu basis. Why don't we insist that trucks use natural gas for fuel?

When I got home Nancy was meeting with a decorator regarding material for the two chairs she wants reupholstered. (Nancy helped me spell reupholstered) Ms P was very sluggish this morning and both Nancy and I thought she might be under the weather. However, she had recovered by noon. It was such a nasty day outside that I spent the entire afternoon in my office. I now have all the family material sorted. I was able to trace my great grandmother Scott (Rayburn) family to Scotland.

My great grandfather Sanborn had his roots in England. According to a Sanborn history book nearly all members of the Sanborn family in the US are descendants of three brothers that came to the US from England in the early 1600s. In fact the Town of Hampton, NH was named by a relative in 1639. Hampton is what the English call Southampton, England.

I spent nearly three hours rereading all the family history. It was fun. Tomorrow I will take all the plastic boxes of family material downstairs. Maybe when the snow flies again I will spend some time scanning photos and working on the family tree. I have all the data on a piece of software called "My Heritage". I will try and print out the family tree.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. In honor of the cold weather I had the French dip. We watched the news and then Bones and CSI. Gas is now $2.95 per gallon and the trees are nearly in full bloom. Everyone is hoping the frost will not damage any crops.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday April 7, 2010

2058: Today is Breakfast Club day and I set my alarm for 0545 but Ms P got me up at 0530. She could not wait. It had not started to rain when I left for the Women's City Club and breakfast. It was an interesting and well attended meeting. After the meeting I did stop by the Kava House so I could read the DFP. It started raining about 1000.

I got home about 1000 and immediately checked my email and then returned to sorting old photos and other family memorabilia. Mother kept every letter that dad wrote when he was working for the Army in IL. Dad wrote every day. As I mentioned yesterday she kept every letter I wrote while in the Navy. Did you know that Dad's salary when he was City Manager of Alpena was $4,500 per year.

At 1145 I took a break and headed to the MAC for a swim. It was raining. I swam 1,000 yards.

I cannot find any data on the Scott family other than my great grandfather, William Foster Scott, was born in Caledon, Ontario. I did find out that dad's cousin Robert Rayburn's family originally came from Edinburgh, Scotland and then moved to County Monaghan, Ireland. The relative in question was born in 1783. Robert Rayburn's grandfather and dad's grandmother were brother and sister.

I scanned several photos of my cousin Randy's family and email them to him tonight. You may recall that Randy is the world's greatest comic book expert. He works at MSU.

I finished the afternoon with a 30 minute walk. It was misting when I left home but started pouring after 15 minutes.

I am done with the family history thing for the next 6 months. When I resume I want to find out more about the Scott family before Canada. I also am going to check the Michigan Department of Transportation's archives to find more about my grandfathers road construction company. They were a big company in the 1920's. The depression stopped all construction so my grandfather went out of business. People did not go bankrupt back in the 20's because they paid cash for their equipment.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday April 6, 2010

1506: We had some heavy thunder storms come through last night. Needless to say it drove Ms P nuts. She was running around and whining all during the storm. I slept in until 0700. I did not ride my bike to the MAC because of the electrical storms. I drove to the Kava House and parked at a 1 hour meter. In fact all they have are 1 hour meters. I set my phone alarm for 1 hour so I do not get one of GR's big parking fines. In 1 hour I got through the DFP and 1/2 the WSJ.

I had lunch and then completed a design of the kayak rack. I had to make sure my proposed rack was structurally ok. It was. In fact I was proud that I still remembered how to do a column design.

It is still raining and I think I will spend until 1630 sorting out all the family material. I want to put this stuff away for the summer.

2106: I sorted almost all the family photos. If it rains tomorrow I will scan several good ones and send to family members. I found out that while in high school I had two poems published. My mother saved every letter I sent home while in college and the navy. I looked at several and was surprised at how bad the letters were. My English was terrible. At 1630 I took a 3 mile walk. It was warmer, 60s, than I thought and I worked up a sweat. I had to take a shower before dinner. Nancy fixed a pork chop with stuffing tonight. It was good. I also had some 2 buck Chuck. We watched NCIS and are now getting ready for bed. I have to get up early because tomorrow is Breakfast Club.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday April 5, 2010

2024: Monday morning and I sleep in until 0650. The temperature at 0700 is 56 which for this date is very high. It is difficult to determine what to wear on my bike trip to the MAC. It is usually 15 degrees warmer when I leave the MAC than when I arrive. Today I implemented my summer schedule. I reduced my Concept 2 row distance from 5k to 4k and I increased my run from 1.5 miles to 2 miles. I now run outdoors. I think the 6 laps to a mile at the MAC is in error. I think that it probably should be 6.5 laps to the mile. The reason I say this is that my mile time indoors is 10 minutes and my mile time outdoors using the GPS is 11 minutes. Being outdoors would not slow me down that much.

I also wore my GPS on my bike trip to see how many miles I ride to the MAC, Kava House and home. It is almost 7 miles. There was not much in either the DFP or WSJ. However, I did read both papers. I got home at 1300 and had a quick lunch. Ms P and I then got in the C2 and ran some errands. Our first stop was Lowe's to buy some light bulbs. Then we stopped at Woodland Mall. I am looking for a travel vest and a poplin sport coat. I struck out on both items. Brooks Brothers make the best poplin sport coats and suits. I was also looking for a wide brim hat like the Tilley I use to have. I am still hatless.

I stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond and purchased a circular shoe rack that I can put in my office. The rack I bought holds 18 pair. I also filled the C2 up and paid $2.81 per gallon. When we got home I lugged 15 yard waste bags down to the curb. Tomorrow is the first day the city picks up yard waste. I also took a 1.5 mile walk.

All the trees are nearly in full bloom. Our grass is long enough to cut. In our 36 years on Mackinaw this is the earliest spring I can remember. Usually the leaves are not out until the 4th week in April.

There was not much on TV tonight except the BB game. I walked Ms P around the block and then headed upstairs to do this blog. It is now 2051 and I am heading to bed to read and watch the BB game. I put the TV on mute.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday April 4, 2010

1612: Nancy announced this morning that she did not want to go swimming on Easter. So we piled in the Taurus and headed to Perkins. We each had eggs benedict. Nancy's poached eggs are better. After breakfast we did our weekly shopping at the Cascade Meijer's. This is a newer store but we had trouble finding our way around. Usually our purchase are evenly divided between perishables and items we store down stairs. Today 95% of the items were perishables.

Nancy reminded me this morning of the time we hid Easter eggs outside and some critter ate the eggs. I could not recall this event. My Dad always said that Easter came on April 17, his and Alessandra's birthday, every 17 years. I do not know if this is true.

When we got home I put on my walking shoes and walked around Reeds Lake. The entire walk was 6.86 miles. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The buds are on the trees and some leaves are beginning emerge. This is about 3 weeks earlier than normal. I hope we don't get a freeze. I was almost around the lake when I passed a neighbor who spends his summers in the Block's old house. I asked him how his winter went and he told me about a car trip he and a buddy took down the Baja. It sounded great and maybe I can talk Steve into accompanying me on this trip.

After my long walk I had to shower and then I took a short nap. I want to finish this blog early because tonight I watch the fourth episode of Pacific. So far Pacific has been somewhat of a disappointment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday April 3, 2010

1937: No alarm this morning because the MAC is on their spring break schedule. Nancy does not have to be at the MAC until 0900. I get up at 0700, get dressed and head for Bill's. The walk this morning was especially nice because of all the flowers in bloom. The Aquinas campus was really great with wild flowers in bloom everywhere. I had pancakes and eggs at Bill's. The DFP was full of articles on the MSU game.

When I got home from breakfast I put the bike rack on the C2 and headed for John Ball Park and the Kent Trail. The parking lot at John Ball Park was full. Today they had an Easter Egg hunt. The traffic on the Kent Trails was light. They have repaved the original trail and added branches to Millennium Park and into Ottawa County. It is really a nice safe ride that is a short distance from home. The sun was shining when I started but about 90 minutes into the ride it started to rain. I turned around and headed for home. When I got to the car I was soaked. I wasted no time in getting home.

At home I got out of my wet clothes and took a long hot shower followed by a short nap. After the nap it was still raining so I checked my mail, paid several bills and read my email. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at Russ's. I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. It was very good but not too healthy. We got home in time to watch the first half of the ball game. I am writing this blog during halftime and will resume when the game is over.

2205: I watched the second half of the MSU game. It was disappointing. Did you know that there were no teams in the final four from west of the Mississippi. I watched some on an old Clint Eastwood movie. Nancy is now watching L&O. I don't like those shows. The temperatures are returning to normal April temperatures. Bummer! Did you get your 30 in today?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday April 2, 2010

1526: I got up at 0646. It was close to 70 degrees at 0700. Today is the first day of spring break so the MAC was not very crowded. Today I ran outside in short pants. First time this year. I had a 1200 lunch with Jennifer Dougherty so I did not have time to go to the Kava House. After my shower I sat in the MAC's lounge and read the DFP until 1100. I left home at 1130 for my 1200 lunch in Lowell. I made it in time. I had a bowl of bean soup and tuna salad sandwich for lunch. It was very good. Jennifer is working on some very interesting projects. She showed me several and I gave my opinion. We sat and talked until 1400. It was a most enjoyable lunch.

On my way home I stopped at the Tractor store in Lowell and looked around trying to get some ideas for my kayak rack. I did find some material that I might be able to use for the rack. I also bought two long sleeve tee shirts that were on sale for $5.

2114: This afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. When I got home from lunch I removed the blade from the lawn mower and took it to get sharpened. I took Ms P on these errands. Our next stop was Rylee's to again look at pipes and fittings I might use to make my kayak rack.

Nancy was home when Ms P and I arrived back home. Missy had called and her car had broken down. It might be a problem with the electrical system. She also had a rundown battery on her cell phone. When it rains it pours.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we watched a little TV and headed to bed. It is still warm outside. I just checked the temperature and it was 76. However, tomorrow it will start cooling off.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday April 1, 2010

2106: Yes folks another April Fool's Day. I can remember as a boy the Alpena News use to have some great April Fool's pranks. I am easy prey to April Fool's type pranks. I fell for SI's Sid Finch April Fool's story hook line and sinker. When I was a freshman in college my roommates fixed me up with Betty's Bell. That was really embarrassing.

Today I got up at 0700. I was kind of sluggish after my 3 day layoff. It was almost 60 degrees at 0700. I had a difficult time deciding what to wear. The noon time temperature was suppose to be 80. For the first time this year I did not need to wear gloves and I did not wear lined pants for my bike ride. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read both the WSJ and DFP. I am still trying to figure out should I sell some coal stock I have. Is the President going to kill the coal industry? I must decide by Monday.

This afternoon I was going to figure out how to make a kayak carrier using my trailer hitch. I removed the bike rack and installed the trailer hitch attachment that I will use to construct a vertical rack that will connect to the hitch. Ms P helped with this work. I think I am entering my fuddy duddy phase. First I back the car out and played with the hitch attachments. I decided I needed to get the kayak down from the rack in the garage. Then I thought that I should hang the kayak from hooks on the garage rafters, so I got out some rope and strung it between the hooks. What would I do with the long ladder, short ladder and wheel barrow that were taking up room in the garage. It was very hot so I stopped all work and installed the screens on the back and side doors. I put the long ladder, short ladder and wheelbarrow on the rack in the garage. I moved the slate blackboard so I had room for the kayak on the garage floor where the storm windows use to be stored. Remember we don't need storm windows any more. I abandoned the idea of hanging the kayak from the hooks. I then thought the garage floor was dirty so I swept it clean. It was now 1630 so I had to stop to get ready for dinner at the GR Museum. I put the car in the clean garage. I spent all afternoon playing around the garage but still did not work on the trailer hitch kayak rack. Elmer Fudd would be proud.

This evening Nancy and I had a light dinner at the GR Museum. We looked at the displays on the first floor and then came home. I had a glass of wine, fell asleep and then watched a rerun of NCIS. Tomorrow I will get organized.