Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday January 30, 2010

1820: It was a busy Saturday in LB. I got up and headed for Starbucks. I got a large coffee and started reading the LAT. About half way through Steve called and said we were going to the LA Zoo. It was going to be a beautiful sunny day.

Steve picked me up with the Saturn and then we loaded the car and headed to the Hof House. The Hof House is a breakfast restaurant in Long Beach. We all had a big breakfast. With our full stomachs it was time to head for the zoo. The LA Zoo was crowded. Steve bought an annual membership and Nancy and I used our GR Zoo cards to get in half price.

It was the first time I have visited the LA Zoo. It is a big zoo and today it was very crowded. We spent about 3 hours walking around the zoo. When we got back home Lucas and I took a nap.

Tonight is another date night for Steve and Veronica. Nancy and I had turkey sandwiches and Lucas has fried chicken on a stick. I also had a glass of wine.

Steve had the DVD all set up so we watched several movies. Right now we are watching Super Friends. Nancy is putting Lucas’s pajamas on. Alessandra is already in bed. It is 2007 and grandpa is getting tired. Chasing grandkids all day can be tiring. I got my 30 in today did you?

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