Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday January 2, 2010

We woke up to a very cold morning. I decided to walk to Bill's on Michigan for breakfast. I bundled up and headed out. I did stop at the coffee shop on Fulton just east of Fuller. I knew Rick DeVries would be having his Saturday morning coffee. Sure enough Rick was there and we had a nice chat before I headed out to Bill's. I had my usual breakfast and read the DFP. On my walk home I took at different route. I walked east on Michigan to Alten and then headed south. Alten ends at the entrance to Aquinas College. I walked through Aquinas and then south on Gladstone. I was a great day for a walk, cold, crisp and sunny.

When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. We stopped at Al's and Gander Mountain but did not purchase anything. I spent a good portion of the afternoon paying some yearend bills. Nancy had several other things to mail so I walked to the mailbox at the EGR City Hall.

This evening Nancy and I finished some leftovers and broke out a bottle of 2 buck Chuck. We watched the news and then the AK/E Carolina game. We are right now watching the MSU/TT game and it is tied. I am cheering for MSU. I don't like any team from Texas.

Tomorrow Nancy and I are betting that we will have to share a swimming lane. Every year folks make a resolution that they are going to start exercising. It usually lasts about 5 weeks.

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