Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday January 27, 2010

2055: Wednesday morning after our first night in LB. I slept well and did not get up until 0655. The entire Scott Team was up getting ready for their busy day. Veronica was taking Lucas to the JCC and Steve was headed to work. Alessandra was spending the day with the grandparents.

I walked over to the local Starbucks and bought a coffee and downloaded the LA Times. I like the LAT it is a good newspaper. On my way to Starbucks I checked out the bus stops so Nancy can take Lucas to school tomorrow on the bus. I finished the LAT and then headed back home.

Nancy needed some stuff from a grocery so we put Alessandra in the stroller and walked to Albertson’s. Alessandra fell asleep about 10 minutes into our walk. Nancy made her purchases and then we headed home. We set Alessandra down for a short nap and I wrote Tuesday’s blog. After her nap we got in the rental and made a dry run of the bus ride to Lucas’s school. We stopped at Costco’s on our way home. No purchases were made but I did get a hot dog for lunch.

Nancy gave Alessandra a quick lunch and we set her down for her afternoon nap. I also took a short nap. After the nap I walked over to the LA River to see how high the water was. The river bed was almost dry. You would not know the area has received almost 10” of rain in the past week. Alessandra was waking up from her nap when I got home so I took her on a walk around the neighborhood. We walked about 45 minutes.

Steve and Veronica starting arriving after five. Nancy, Veronica and Alessandra accompanied Lucas to his gymnastics class. Steve and I went out for a beer and sandwich. Well dad had a beer. The restaurant we visited was a neighborhood establishment. I like neighborhood bars. A good time was had by father and son.

We got home before the Nancy, Veronica, Alessandra and Lucas. They stopped at McDonald’s for dinner. The Scott team is getting ready for bed and grandpa is finishing his blog. I did get my 30 in today. I should also mention that the weather today was perfect, blue sky, sunshine and temperatures in the high 60’s.

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