Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year. For some reason I got up early this morning. It did not snow last night so we did not have to shovel. I put on the running shoes and headed for the MAC. It was a beautiful morning for a run. We had clean white snow, a clear sunny sky and no traffic. The run home was just as enjoyable. Since the Kava House is closed today I got in the C2 and headed to Starbucks in Gaslight Village. The place was crowded and no seats were available. I then went to Starbucks at the D&W in Breton Village. I drank my coffee and read the DFP. There was no WSJ today.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended a get together at the Moleskis. The Namys and Tim Mast were also in attendance. We had ham, hot potato salad, special breads and salad. Of course we had beer and wine. We watched the outdoor hockey game from Boston and the Penn State football game. We headed for home about 8:30. Right now I am watching the Sugar Bowl and seeing Florida run away with the game. Tomorrow I will start watching what I eat. I say this every new year.

Today I was trying to remember my first memory of New Years Day. It was January 1, 1948 and the Fletchers invited our entire family to attend a Rose Bowl party at their house. The party had all those cute little sandwiches and cakes. I got all the coke I wanted to drink. There was no TV in Alpena so we listened to the game on radio. UM won 49-0. They beat USC.

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