Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009. At midnight I will be entering my 9th decade. I actually got up before 0630 this morning. At 0700 Nancy and I started shoveling. We had about 1/2" overnight. The walk and drive were cleared in 20 minutes. After my at home routine I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I finished at the MAC and then headed to the Kava House. I was half way through the DFP when my phone goes off and it is Nancy telling me that our power is out and the house is super cold. Good grief that is all we need is New Year's Eve with no power. My first thought was that we could get a room downtown. Then I remembered what do we do with Ms P?

I headed home to see what was up. As I was pulling into the drive, Nancy called and said the power was back on. I saw a Consumer's Power truck driving down the street so I flagged it down. I asked what caused the outage? He said a squirrel got in a transformer and shorted the circuit. The squirrel was fried. He had it in a bag. Is this his lunch?

I had a light lunch because tonight, before the Symphony, we are eating at the Chop House. Their steaks are suppose to be great. We are going out with the Horlings.

Nancy said the car monitor said we had 60 miles of fuel left in the tank. Ms P and I headed to the gas station and filled the Taurus. It is suppose to be very cold tonight so I am glad we have a full tank. A low fuel level during cold weather creates condensation in the tank. This is not a good condition.

At 4:30 Nancy and I started getting ready for New Year's Eve. I even wore a suit and tie. Nancy, as usual, looked smashing. We met the Horlings at 5:30 at the Chop House. We all had the filet mignon. After a leisurely dinner we walked over to DeVos Hall to see a New Year's Eve Concert put on by the GR Symphony. It featured the music of Andrew Lloyd Weber. It was a good concert. After the concert Nancy and I walked around Rosa Park Circle where an outdoor concert was underway. The place was jammed. It was very cold so we headed home. Like most old folks we will not make it to 12. Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Maroussia said...

It will be great to watch Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber , i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.